Practical Answers for Employers on the New Federal
Coronavirus Laws: A Virtual Town Hall Meeting

The legal landscape for employers seems to be changing daily in the face of this public health emergency. Adding to the stress we are all experiencing while trying to cope with this new reality, complex federal employment and lending laws and regulations that we are expected to understand and follow are being enacted at a frenzied pace. This has led to a great deal of confusion and misinformation about what these laws do and don’t do.

GLGA Member   Husch Blackwell   will walk you through a straightforward explanation of the following laws and provide you with practical compliance suggestions:

  • Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)
  • Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act
  • Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act
  • Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act)

More importantly, you will have a chance to get answers to your questions in real time. Learn about how these laws affect your business, how they will impact your employment-related decisions, and what strategies you can use to weather this current storm.

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Interrupting the Pathways to Infection: Hazard Evaluation
and Control in the Workplace

Health and safety professionals evaluate workplace hazards and apply the principles of the “Hierarchy of Controls” to reduce the risk of exposure to those hazards. The “Hierarchy of Controls” includes using hazard elimination, administrative and work practices, and personal protective equipment to reduce risk.

While evaluating and controlling the risk of exposure to COVID-19 may seem vastly different from safety, ergonomic, and chemical hazards, these same principles can be applied to evaluating and reducing the risk presented by this virus. Sticking with the science, we can apply the “Hierarchy of Controls” to interrupt the pathway of virus transmission. This webinar will begin with information on the virus and the principles of virus transmission. This will be followed by providing science-based, practical examples of reducing exposure in the workplace.

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Value Reconstruction: Rebuilding Company Value

This session will help businesses evaluate options to grow post – COVID-19. Jeff Bronswick and Larry Baskin of Bronswick Benjamin will walk participants through three phases: 

  1. Recovery: evaluates the best path for a company to take to reestablish value or leverage their continued success. This includes risk assessments, tax strategies, and financial modeling.
  2. Stability: Stability establishes the Critical Success Factors and the Key Performance Indicators to monitor. It also reviews cash flow reports, forecasting and budget to variance tracking.
  3. Growth: Growth discusses options to aid in expanding business, including the potential of using mergers and acquisitions. We will add some discussion points regarding business valuation and its impact. We also will review any existing relief packages that are or have been offered.

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