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Jean-Paul Sartre's 114th Birthday!
French philosopher,
playwright, novelist, political activist, biographer, and literary critic, Jean-Paul Sartre, was born on June 21, 1905. In recognition of his life and work,
Berghahn Journals would like to offer
free access
to the top 5 most viewed articles from
Sartre Studies International: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Existentialism and Contemporary Culture
June 28
Executive Editors (UKSS):
John Gillespie,
Ulster University
Katherine Morris,
Mansfield College Oxford
Executive Editors
John Ireland,
University of Illinois at Chicago
Constance Mui,
Loyola University
Sartre, Camus and a Marxism for the 21st Century
David Schweikart
(Vol. 24, Issue 2)
Sartrean Self-Consciousness and the Principle of Identity: Sartre’s Implicit Argument for the Non-Self-Identity of the Subject
Maiya Jordan
(Vol. 23, Issue 2)
Reconsidering the Look in Sartre's: Being and Nothingness
Luna Dolezal
(Vol. 18, Issue 1)
Sartre and Fanon: On Negritude and Political Participation
Azzedine Haddour
(Vol. 11, Issue 1)
Fanon, Sartre, Violence, and Freedom
Neil Roberts
(Vol. 10, Issue 2)
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