Access to the 6th & 7th Dimensions via The Lion's Gate Portal

The next opening of the Lion's Gate Portal on August 8th marks yet another all new, 'never before experienced by anyone in humanity' moment in evolutionary history. 

While the purpose of our evolution over the past 20-40 years has been to reconnect our mind, body and spirit to Source Consciousness and to one another (aka, 5D), the purpose of this next cycle of evolution and transformation, which officially begins with the August 8th Lion's Gate is to reconnect us with the higher realms beyond 5D. 

Certain codes, ie, Frequencies of Light, are required to access these higher realms of consciousness; not because they are reserved for the few (although, in a way, they are) but because these light quotients are so potent, life expanding and so 'love demanding' that one (aka those of us privileged enough to receive them) must truly be aligned with a purity of heart, mind, body and soul to fully anchor them in and align with them.

This is one of the primary purposes of the activations we will be receiving on Thursday, August 11th.

First, in order to fully embody these activtions, one must be free from all emotional and intellectual heavy-ness and dross (which we have been doing over the past 20-40 years).

In addition, we must be completely free and clear of the traumas of our previous "failed attempts' at awakening during the Atlantis and Lemurian timelines as well free from all Armageddon type scenarios, including nuclear bomb, radiation, holocaust and similar end of world scenarios, timelines and experiences.

Finally, we must receive and align with the 6th & 7th Dimensional timelines and be vibrationally attuned to these higher frequencies.

During this Thursday's Speed Activations Call, we will do all of this, including:
  • The clearings of the Atlantis, Lemurian and Armageddon traumas, dramas, programs, etc. which will free us and liberate us from those events of 'past timelines' so we do not carry them with us into our future realities.
  • The Galactic Templates allow us to reconnect with our true Galactic heritage.
  • The various Diamond Codes are frequency waves of Divine Love and Divine Compassion which allow us to more fully align with and embody the new Earth, Gaia.  Gaia is literally shifting (once again) into a new location in the Galaxy and we must be aligned wtih her frequency to stay with her (fare-well Milky Way!)
  • The 6th & 7th Alignment Codes allow us to access, embody and align with the realms beyond 5th Dimension of unity consciousness and love for all individualized beings.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, as well as many Ascended Masters and many, many, many Galactic Beings of Love and Light will be joining us ~ I hope you will too:
Join Us for the Next Speed Activations Call ~ The Week of The Lion's Gate Portal

THIS Thursday, August 11th, 2016 
4pm PT/5pm MT/6pm CT/7pm ET/11pm GMT
Via Tele-Seminar

These are Light Encoded Frequency Activations to assist you in remembering more of the highest truths, raising your own vibrational frequency, embodying the lightest and highest light.  What's more, these energetic attunements are designed to allow your Spiritual transformation and Consciousness expansion to be easy, graceful and benevolent ~ indeed, effortless. 

This month's Speed Activations include: 
  • Clearing, Healing & Resolving The Atlantis Trauma
  • Clearing, Healing & Resolving The Lemurian Trauma
  • Clearing, Healing & Resolving The  Armageddon Programs
  • The Galactic Human Template Activation
  • The Diamond Codes of The New Earth ~ Gaia  Activation
  • The Diamond Codes Water Activation
  • The Diamond Codes of Air Activation
  • The Diamond Codes of Fire Activation
  • The Diamond Codes of Ether Activation
  • The Diamond Heart Activation
  • The Codes for 6th & 7th Dimensional Alignment Activation
Join Us:
Prepare for the Upcoming Lion's Gate Portal

The Lion's Gate of 2016 is fast approaching.  This portal signifies a time of new beginnings and initiations.  It provides another new opening to higher dimensional realms which become easily accessible to the high vibe tribe.  These higher dimensional realms now include access to the 6D, 7D frequencies which were previously only available to those who were fully embodied.

The upcoming Lion's Gate also further initiates another expanded doorway where low frequency energies will (FINALLY) begin to separate out from the lighter, faster moving frequency energies associated with the awakening and ascension process.

While it is true that many humans will continue to experience varying degrees of separation, duality, and fear based emotions, as well as continued experiences associated with trauma, drama and chaos, and indeed, many humans may continue to be surrounded by people who are still working through their old, unhealed and wounded issues, none the less, the Lion's Gate will usher in even more high vibrational energies to expand consciousness as well as elevate and evolve the human species.

3D Becomes More of a 'Witnessing Platform' and Less of an Experienced Reality

As these portal energies are ushered in, the high vibe tribe will once again have greater and greater access to higher dimensional realities as the lower dimensional realities become more and more of a 'witnessing platform', rather than an 'experiencing of realty'.

Indeed, while many 'Second Wavers' are still awakening to the concept of a 5D reality, those of us in the 'First Wave' who have been 'discipled' and diligent are now ready to progress on to even higher, lighter realms in the 6th and 7th Dimensional Realities, which include entirely new experiences associated with love, joy, happiness peace, harmony, health, well being, one-ness and fulfillment.

This does not mean we have to wait on accessing 8D and beyond; indeed, many of us have been doing so for some time.  It only means that those of us who were previously unable to access 6D & 7D will now find it to be more effortless.

Prepare for an ENTIRELY NEW, NEVER BEFORE ACCESSIBLE Vibratory Experience

This Lion's Gate Portal IS USHERING IN an ENTIRELY NEW, NEVER BEFORE ACCESSIBLE vibratory experience for those ready, willing and able to receive it, via the experience of vibrational compatibility. The key is in getting into alignment and becoming vibrationally compatible...

After the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal and throughout the entire month of August, Mother Earth ~ Gaia will enter into a new spiraling frequency toward her own Galactic evolution which will continue to amplify and intensify incoming frequencies and light codes that will ultimately catapult each of us to a new level of evolutionary experience based on our choices ~ be they conscious or unconscious.

The Grand Culmination is Yet to Be Revealed

There is a Grand Culmination of Energies for all of HUmanity which is yet to be revealed come September's closing portal...(we have discussed this during our Ascension Calls; there will be more on this topic in upcoming Ascension calls too).

For now, the monumental influx of powerful light encoded frequencies will serve to further initiate and awaken those ready to continue to ascend into higher states of consciousness for more benevolent experiences and states of being.

Please don't miss this extremely potent Lion's Gate Portal; it is a window of love, light, opportunity for each of us to receive, integrate and align onto a new platform and phase in our personal and planetary evolution. 

Join us for the next Speed Activations Call, where we will celebrate and receive the Lion's Gate Energies and Frequencies of Light, along with many new Galactic encodements:
Swim with The Wild Spotted and Bottle Nose Dolphins of Bimini, The Bahamas
GIFTED LIVE Energy Healing with The Dolphins

Price increases by $200 on August 31st ~ Register TODAY!
Include the following code at check out: LORISPAGNA

Lori Spagna radically transformed her life after a series of near death experiences while living in Maui.  She is a best selling author of the Best Selling book, 'How Psychic Are You? 7 Simple Steps to Unlocking Your Psychic Potential' as well as 'Animals in the Afterlife' and 'Learn Animal Communication', as well as the author of the upcoming book, '2 Years in Maui'.  Lori has over 20 years of experience serving humans and animals around the world and is an internationally recognized speaker, author and teacher who provides seminars and workshops for spiritually minded animal lovers about how we can improve our lives by learning from animals.  As a Visionary, Lightworker, Intuitive and Healer, Lori also leads powerful manifestation and healing circles where she assists people and their pets to improve their lives by tapping into their true power via The Universal Source which exists within and connects us all.  Lori also provides Sacred Energy Activations and Dormant DNA Upgrades for people and animals. For more information, please visit: