Dear MTC students,

Our second week of alternative instruction is coming to close. If you are feeling anxious or stressed, the state health department offers these mental health resources. Midlands Technical College counselors are available to you as well.

As you continue to find your new groove with the alternative instruction, remember you have access to All MTC students can meet with a tutor 24 hours a day, seven days a week, any time this semester. You can also have your papers reviewed and returned to you within 12 hours. To access in D2L, simply click on the "College Links" menu from any of your courses, select, and then follow the on-screen directions from there.

If you are taking classes this summer, classes are filling up quickly. Look for the email from your advisor that went out Thursday, April 2. It has instructions so you can get the classes and schedule you want this summer.

And, there’s still time to complete an application for an MTC Foundation Scholarshi p. The deadline is May 1.

Please, get some rest this weekend, and call, text, or video chat with a loved one you miss. We all need that right now.

My best,

President Ron Rhames