September 11, 2017
Access Letter
News and Information for the Access-Minded
CCPD is Seeking Board Members, Participatory Budget Proposals, & More!

CCPD Seeks Applicants for Advisory Board Vacancies

Cambridge City Manager Louis A. DePasquale is seeking persons interested in serving on the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD) advisory board. Made up of 11 Members who serve three-year terms in a volunteer capacity, the CCPD board meets on the second Thursday of every month at 5:30 p.m. CCPD seeks to build a membership that reflects the cultural and racial diversity of the City, is cross-disability in nature and representative of the different geographical areas of the community. Members must be current residents of Cambridge. 

CCPD Submits Three Participatory Budget Proposals
CCPD submitted proposals for a multi-generational tree house accessible to all; inclusive playground equipment; and an accessible video game center for everyone!
DPW's Five Year Plan Named
ADA Best Practice
The Cambridge Department of Public Works (DPW) consults regularly with the ADA Coordinator and the Cambridge Commission for Persons with Disabilities (CCPD) to ensure pedestrian access to sidewalks. The DPW evaluates each sidewalk, intersection, crosswalk and curb ramp at least every five years. Surface conditions, slopes, landings and detectable warnings are all rated using a 1-5 system, and the data is entered into the city geographic information system (GIS). From this data the DPW develops and annually updates (with CCPD input) a five year plan for sidewalk repairs and curb ramp replacement - currently $4.5 M per year. 
Commission for Persons with Disabilities | 51 Inman Street, 2nd Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139