Collage of four images arranged roughly in a quadrant_ top left image depicts four individuals standing in front of a closed hangar door decorated with the NASA logo. Two of the individuals are significantly shorter than the other two_ and one of the shorter individuals is using a walker_ top right_ a woman from the first image is shown seated at a table_one hand gesticulating suggesting she is speaking to a group_ bottom left_ the same woman from the prior two photos is shown standing next to a young man whose hand is on her shoulder_ both indoors with an aircraft visible in the background with stairs leading up to an open door_ bottom right_ same woman depicted in other three images is shown indoors crouching next to an individual in a wheelchair_ with two individuals standing behind them and in the background_ chairs_ tables_ two individuals talking to one another and a painting on the far wall.
What does it take to mentor a biomedical student with a disability?
Click here  to read thoughts from Laureen Summers, Project Director for Entry Point!, a program through the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
NIH Announces RFA for Diversity Supplement

The National Institutes of Health has recently announced a Request for Applications to the newest Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research grant funding mechanism. Principal Investigators and Program Directors of select research projects may utilize this funding to recruit and support students, postdoctorates, and eligible investigators from specified underrepresented populations. This supplement opportunity is also available to PD(s)/PI(s) of research grants who are or become disabled and need additional support to accommodate their disability in order to continue to work on the research project. 

a snapshot of a text document with title_ _Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research _Admin Support__ with smaller text visible below and to the left of it.

Early career stage investigators, click here to read NIH's guide to using the NIH RePORTER website to identify and approach a Principal Investigator about joining their lab through support from a Diversity Supplement.

Click here to read the official RFA announcement from NIH.

Excelling in Biomedical Research with a Learning Disability
Dr. Dennis Dean portrait in bust_ with arms folded across his chest and smiling at the camera_ and a cityscape with bridge and skyscrapers shown somewhat out of focus in the background.
In an exclusive interview with NRMN, Dennis Dean, Ph.D. discusses the experience of managing a successful career as a biomedical researcher and active mentor while living with a learning disability. 

"In any environment, people will have weaknesses. It's all the more important with a disability to be comfortable communicating your strengths and weaknesses to your mentors, peer mentors and colleagues.

Although I have received a lot of support, there are those that voiced doubt in my abilities. I've had people explicitly tell me to not pursue science based on my disability.

But I was born to be a scientist. I learn fast, I'm clever, and I want to make a difference."

Click here to read the full article on
NRMN Kicks off Southeast Training Hub (SETH) at Morehouse School of Medicine - May 10th-12th
The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) Research Resources and Outreach Core (RROC) held its third Southeast/Deep South Training Hub (SETH) Grant Writing Training event May 10-12, 2017 at Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM). 

Roughly forty individuals shown congregated around a staircase with glass banisters_railings and a glass wall next to them. The individuals are arranged in a row on the ground level_ with many clustered together on the staircase leading up to a second floor. All are smiling and facing the viewer.

Participants included senior faculty, junior faculty, and post-doctoral fellows, as well as institutional leaders, administrative staff and program directors from institutions across the United States.

Click here to read the full article on
Dr. Henry Adler Examines the Potential Impacts of a Community Network Model to Promote Success for Deaf Scientists
An individual shown seated on a rock outdoors_ one forearm draped forward across a raised leg while the other arm is arranged at his side on the rock_ with grand canyon and blue sky visible in the background.
In his responses to an interview with NRMN, Adler shares his individual perspective on career development and networking based on his experience co-founding a professional network among hearing impaired frequenters of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology  (ARO) Annual Conference. 

Click here to read the full article on
NRMN and Keystone Symposia announce plans to launch new online forum:  "I Wish My Mentor Knew"
An animated gif image with two frames showing a standing posterboard in front of two conference booths. The posterboard is covered in post-it notes and features two scientist portraits. One of the two images depicts many more post-it notes affixed to the posterboard. The gif is titled with the phrase __IWISHMYMENTORKNEW_ across the middle.
In partnership with Keystone Symposia, NRMN is soon to launch an online forum where mentees can respond to the prompt, "I wish my mentor knew..."

A Mentor Review Panel will offer helpful feedback and responses to approved comments, with all individual comments remaining anonymous.

Click here for more details in the official announcement on NRMNet.
NRMN Principal Investigator Dr. Jamboor Vishwanatha discusses recent grants awarded from the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) to University of North Texas Health Science Center (UNTHSC)

Two individuals shown in bust side by side_ smiling at the viewer. A 5-year $800,000 CPRIT award to the Center for Diversity and International Programs will fund cancer research training of students in the dual DO/PhD program.

Click here to visit the official announcement at the UNT Health Science Center Newsroom.
A more Perfect Union: NRMN Principal Investigators Collaborate at NIH-Funded Network Meetings
A group of twenty-nine individuals arranged in front of a large blank pull-down projector screen indoors_ with American flag to their left and navy blue flag to their right.

NRMN Principal Investigators Drs. Rafael Luna and Kola Okuyemi at the NCI GMaP Region 6 at University of Utah. Pictured left to right: Row 1: Jeebika Dahal, Suzana Alba, Dr. Deanna Kepka, Dr. Ana Sanchez-Birkhead, Dr. Lauren Draper, Sofia Ortega, Senny Nordmeier, Dr. Ana Maria Lopez, Dr. Ranjana Mitra, Victor Arve Gutierrez, Dr. Mia Hashibe, Jianning Tao, Anna Reineke, Row 2: Dr. Kola Okuyemi, Laura Martel, Dr. Anne Kirchhoff, Dr. Judy Ou, Row 3: Dr. Subhash Verma, Dr. James Kenyon, Ashley Elrick, Roxanne Strahan, Majid Khan, Jessica Smith, Dr. Rafael Luna, Dr. Cheryl Jorcyk, Suzann Duan, Dr. Fedora Sutton, Dr. Julie Smith-Gagen, Priyatham Gorjala

Collage depicting four images arranged roughly in a quadrant_ Top left image depicts three individuals standing and smiling at the viewer with posterboard walls visible behind them_ top right image depicts man from first image with two men arranged on either side of him_ hist hands on their shoulders and all three smiling at the viewer_ with a projector screen and powerpoint slide visible behind them_ bottom left image depicts a U.S. map with various states in blue and red_ bottom right image depicts a man on stage at a podium to the right of a projector screen with a slide deck displayed and several audience members visible watching from the front two rows.

Following the success of the NRMN Puerto Rico SETH events in November 2016, Dr. Luna on behalf of NRMN initiates collaborations in Puerto Rico with INBRE Contact PIs: Dr. K. Gus Kousoulas (Contact PI; Louisiana), Dr. Jose Rodriguez Medina (Contact PI; Puerto Rico), Dr. Lucia Pirisi-Creek (Current Contact PI: South Carolina) and Dr. Edie Goldsmith (In July 2017 will assume the role as Contact PI; South Carolina). These NRMN/INBRE collaborations will work to improve diversity in the biomedical research workforce in the pursuit of a more Perfect Union.
Executive Director's Corner: 
Access to the Invisible College for Individuals with Disabilities
Portrait of Dr. Rafael E. Luna in bust_ smiling.
In last month's newsletter, Dr. Luna introduced the notion of the Invisible College and opening its door to underrepresented minority biomedical scientists. This month, Samantha Bear, M.Ed. joins Dr. Luna to describe the necessity of accessibility to the Invisible College for all citizens in our great Union, including individuals with disabilities.

Click here to read the full article on
Graphic design depicting a portrait of a woman in bust with NRMN logo and several small boxes of text to her left.
Small image of a text-based webpage.
  Webpage displaying five images_ each of which has a caption of text beneath it_ an image in the lower righthand corner is outlined in a prominent magenta box.
Upcoming webinar this Thursday, May 25th, on Scientific Communication featuring Dr. Carrie Cameron

"Teaching grammar! I am not an English major and this is hard. We need better basic education."

Sound familiar? Join NRMN for a 1-hour webinar on why it's important for trainees to develop scientific communication skills and how you can help your trainees develop them.

Click here to read the full description and register to attend this week's exciting webinar.
Opportunities for postdoctoral researchers through the Institute for Broadening Participation (IBP) has over 160 different postdoc and early career opportunities posted on the site, including postdoctoral fellowships, grants, travel awards, mentoring opportunities, and more.

Click here to browse the full list of opportunities, or use the advanced search page to narrow your results.
Visit the NRMN YouTube Channel (Closed Captioning Available)

Closed captioning is available as an option while viewing any of NRMN's many videos and playlists on topics such as health disparities research, culturally aware mentorship, developing a research idea, navigating the process of applying to NIH grant funding mechanisms, and more.

Click here to visit our channel and browse videos today.
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