Hello PGT Spring 2020,

We will be using Zoom for PGT's online class time this season. Be on the lookout for another email today with your revised class/rehearsal times and links for joining the class.

In the meantime, you can set up your free Zoom account. Here's how

  • Click this Sign Up It's Free link.
  • On the sign up page, enter your email address then click the "Sign up" button
  • Check your email and click the "Activate Account" button in the email from Zoom.
  • Enter your name and account password where directed, click the button and your account is set up!

You will be receiving your class/rehearsal times later today. To join a class or rehearsal

  • Click the join a meeting link
  • Enter the Meeting ID number then hit the "Join" button

  • The first time you join a class the site will direct you to download and install the Zoom platform file - follow the instructions and allow it to run and install.

If you have trouble, please email Steven at steven@playgroup.org for assistance.

We're looking forward to seeing you and working with you online soon!

THE PLAY GROUP THEATRE - Westchester's Theatre for Children and Teens
1 N Broadway, White Plains, NY | 914-946-4433 | www.playgroup.org