Untitled Design

Accommodating the New Commuter

October 3, 2023

Renaissance Seattle Hotel


The Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and state grants and subsidies make marine transit the clean and affordable mass transit solution.

This public money supports capital investment in new vessels and terminals, and upgrading of existing facilities.

If you live or work on the water, you'll want to join us in Seattle on October 3rd.

We hope you can join in the discussion!


Learn how to access funding, do the due diligence around demand and feasibility, and hire an operator to provide ferry service for your community.

Learn about clean technology, alternative fuels and affordable grant programs, as well as ongoing financing programs.

Participate in panel discussions about the following:

  • Legislative and financing tools to fund service.
  • Choosing a vessel type and operator
  • Siting a terminal and engaging community support.
  • Successful and efficient permitting and environmental considerations.
  • Case studies of successful ferry service in operation today.

Join us on October 3rd, as we continue our initiative to help communities, developers and employers fund, plan and implement commuter ferries.

See you in Seattle!


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

"After twenty years as president of Philips Publishing Group, I have formed COLIBRI Northwest to focus on maritime transportation policy development and implementation.


Our annual Ferries Conference is a key part of helping communities organize themselves and find partners to help introduce and expand marine transit.


I hope to see you this fall!


Peter Philips

(206) 779-2746

[email protected]