Grace Church  
in Salem
The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector
385 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

30 October 2024

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Bible Study

Wednesdays at

5:00 pm

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Calendar for the Week



9:00 am

Morning Prayer

5:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal





9:15 am

Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am

Holy Eucharist

4:00 pm

Celtic Evensong and Communion

5:00 pm

Kitchen Fellowship


9:00 am

Morning Prayer


Election Day

9:00 am

Morning Prayer

9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Church Open for Prayer

7:00 pm

Knitting Group

7:00 pm

Holy Eucharist



9:00 am

Morning Prayer

5:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal



The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector

Assisting Clergy

The Reverend E. Clifford Cutler

The Reverend Manny Faria



Ryan Patten,

Sr. Warden

Barbara Layne,

Jr. Warden

Lisa Duffy, Clerk

Joanne Moar, Treasurer

Melissa Barnes

Marianne Cannon

Lisa Duffy

Joanna Troy

Susan Tweed

Matt VanHamersveld

Holly Willis


Mark N. Peterson, Music Director

Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons


Cheryl Robinson, Bookkeeper


Anti-racism Team

Kathy Baldwin

Maureen Bingham

Marianne Cannon

Cliff Cutler

Kourtni Patten

Jane Thompson

Debbie Phillips


Joanne Moar

Barbara Layne


Gavin Watson-Bertrand 

Altar Guild

Laura Beasley-Topliffe,


Lisa Duffy

Caroline Ogah

Holly Willis


Flower Committee

Deb Papps, Chair

Jane Thompson

Maureen Joyce


Celtic Meditations Team

Ryan Patten, musician

Kourtni Patten

Eric Wagner

Paul Massari

Kathleen Tone


Director of Church School

Melissa Barnes


Ministry Team

Tom Gaither

Debbie Papps

Ad Hoc Fundraising

Peggy Carter

Melissa Barnes

Joanne Moar

Kourtni Patten


Deb Papps

Tom Tucker

Jason Barnes

 Creation Care

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Louise Faria

Tom Gaither

Jane Stewart

Garden of Life

Jason Stonehouse


Convention Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Eric Wagner, Alternate

Deanery Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Thought for the Week

Dear Friends,

Although there are times when being alone in contemplation with God are the most life-giving moments, there are also those times when our humanity calls us to be with another. For me, this is such a time. The best way for me to combat the divisiveness around me is to stand in solidarity with another, to accompany another in their journey to fulfillment. I have been blessed with many opportunities both professionally and personally to do just that.

Our desire to be with another is part of our humanity. God instills in us a desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. It is in seeing the perseverance, courage, and love in another that inspires us to greater heights. It is in being that to another that makes the world a place of peace, justice and love.

God understands our anxiety and fears. God understands our feelings of dread and apprehension for our future society in the United States. God is present with us in these feelings, working hard to lead us to a reasonable hope in the newness of life in the coming age. God is also providing us with others who strive to walk in love. God wants us to find comfort and courage by accompanying one another, by finding ways to share our stories of redemption, hope and sacred love. In this way, the holy and powerful presence of love will prevail.

In the Way of Love,


This Sunday

At our 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, we will observe All Saints' Sunday and offer the Birthday Blessing and Prayer. Steve Allen will lector, Holly Willis will chalice, and Tom and Karen Tucker will usher. The Church School begins at 10:00 and then join us at the Peace. Light refreshments and coffee will be offered in the Lobby. There is a signup in the Lobby for Coffee Hour hosts.

At our 4:00 pm Celtic Evensong and Communion our opening meditation comes from Malcolm Guite, Paul Massari will assist, Kathleen Tone will give the reflection, Joanna Troy will read the prayers and Katie Scott will usher. Kitchen fellowship follows.

Services will be broadcast this week on our Facebook page. Leaflets may be found on our website.

Please join us wherever you are 

in your search for meaning. 

Everyone is welcome at any and all services at

Grace Episcopal Church

Parish Prayer List

Please keep the following in your prayers:

For Nancy and Christine, Reny Sparapani, Neil Olson, Gary Young, Amy, Paul, Chuck and Tom Brown, Claire Smith, Heather and Prescott,, Ariana, Sheridan, Faith Aroko and Family, Jesse Hurst and Family, Angela Williams, Neal and Maureen Joyce, Arthur, Jane Thompson, Deb Young, Cindy Rhodes, Ron, Gerald Tucker, Allison Mascolo, Melissa Glassman, Max Joyce, Marc Britt and Francie Hill, those battling cancer, especially Faith’s friend and the Princess of Wales, for Mel, Corey MacNeil, Dianne, Michael Towey, Jenny, Loretta and Kris, Deb Papps, Derek Fuller and Family, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and their ministries, for Ukraine and Haiti; the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem, the Salem Public Schools and for an end to racism, war, anti-Semitism, gun violence and oppression. In thanksgiving, we pray for our Altar Guild and Flower Committee, for those giving Epistles this season, for your guidance, for this community of faith, for rest and refreshment, for creation, for the diversity of your people, for all the saints in our lives who give us hope in the future, and for all the blessings of this life. If you have prayer requests, please email by Tuesday at noon for publication in that week's e-news.


Stewardship 2025

Dear Family of God,


The last few weeks, we have heard stories from our community of times they “walked in love.” This is our theme for our 2025 Stewardship season. Those times when we have felt the presence of love it changes us in profound ways. The wells of generosity and grace seem to overflow from our hearts. The stories of those times invite us to consider our own.


For those of you new to pledging in The Episcopal Church, it is our annual financial commitment to the ministries of Grace Church. These are not our ministries, but God’s working in us. Our pledge supports our priest, our structure, and those other resources necessary for God’s work in us. It is also a commitment to the person online who joins us each week, the person sitting near you in the pew, the next child baptized, anyone whom you encounter now or in the future. It is a token of the ways we walk in love together.


This year, those of you who receive our weekly newsletter will receive your pledge card via email. It will contain a link to the pledge card. Simply fill it out and submit. There will also be pledge cards in the church for those who may not receive the newsletter or would prefer to give in this way.

The link to the pledge card is here


How do you determine how much to give? You pray about it. Seriously, ask God what amount you are called to give. Priscilla offers that she, “Gives until it feels good.” Others use a % of income. 10% is the scriptural amount, “the tithe,” but you may want to give a different % of income. For 2024, 53 households pledged over $120,000 for an average pledge of about $2300.


Many are having their banks send us their donation electronically, usually monthly. Simply direct your bank to mail the check to Grace Church regularly (most are monthly).


We are invited to take advantage of this time set apart to consider our relationship with God and one another. Let us continue to walk in love during this time when so many need this love more than ever.


In gratitude,


Prayers for the Election

By next Tuesday, we will be called to vote faithfully in national and local elections. We are called to walk in love to the polls and then vote for policies and leaders that further the inclusive and diverse reign of God.


At Grace Church, we will offer Morning Prayer at 9:00 am on Election Day. Following the conclusion of this service, the church will remain open for prayer, quiet conversation and reflection. If you would like to be a presence at the church for a specific time on this day, please use this link to sign up. At 7:00 pm, there will be a service of Holy Eucharist which will be livestreamed on Facebook.

Two other opportunities for virtual prayer are also being offered. On Monday, November 4th, The Cathedral Church of St. Paul and Old North Church, Boston, are co-hosting an Election Eve Prayer Vigil on Zoom at 7:00 pm.

Pre-registration is required at


The Episcopal Church Center will host election night virtual prayers from 8pm -10pm. Bishop Sean Rowe, who will become presiding bishop on Nov. 1, will offer an opening reflection and prayer. Join the event via Zoom, or watch a livestream on The Episcopal Public Policy Network’s Facebook page.


Prayer for an election, Book of Common Prayer, page 822


Almighty God, to whom we must account for all our powers and privileges: Guide the people of the United States in the election of officials and representatives; that by faithful administration and wise laws, the rights of all may be protected and our nation be enabled to fulfill your purposes; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Rector is available Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays for regular business.

Please continue to contact her for pastoral emergencies as they arise.

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