Bylaws are essential for any organization as they serve as a framework for the group's operation and governance. They outline the organization's purpose, structure, procedures, and the roles and responsibilities of its members. Bylaws provide clarity and consistency to the group's decision-making processes and ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal. Without bylaws, chaos and confusion can ensue, leading to disorganization and discord. Therefore, it is crucial that organizations adhere to their bylaws to maintain order and stability.

Bylaws are rules and rules are made to be followed. If a particular bylaw is burdensome or impractical it simply cannot be disregarded. Bylaws can be changed and should be changed rather than disregarded.

Bylaws create accountability. Accountability is a fundamental principle of good governance that ensures transparency, responsibility, and trust in the decision-making processes of, in our case, our state political party leadership. It means that those in positions of leadership must answer for their actions and decisions, and there must be mechanisms in place to hold party leaders accountable. This promotes transparency and responsibility within the party, leading to a stronger and more cohesive organization.

In the Delaware Republican Party, accountability is particularly important because we have fewer members and must rely on cross-over votes from Democrats and unaffiliated voters to get Republican candidates elected. Holding party leaders accountable for their actions and decisions helps gain the trust and support of not only our members but voters that vote for our candidates. Eyes are on us.  

As delegates, you are solely responsible for choosing the Chair of our party. I ask you to carefully consider what I have said and prioritize adherence to our bylaws as you vote on April 29.

Finally, if you are “still on the fence” as to who you think should be Chair, and you would like to talk with me directly, I am asking that you respond to this email with “still on the fence” so that I can contact you.  

Please don’t hesitate to call or text my cell number (302)841-8371 or email [email protected]

If you are a delegate please make sure you click the button below to register if you haven't yet.