Bowerbank Frags
Mixed Cyphastrea Frags
Maxima Clams
Lg $200 Med $180
Acan Frags
Starting At $30
Reef Safe
Duncan Frags
$20 per Head
Reef Safe
Mushroom Frags
Reef safe
Fish Specials

Achilles Tang
Reef Safe
Copperband Butterfly
With Caution
Bluespot Jawfish
Reef safe
Midas Blenny
Reef Safe
Powder Blue Tang
Reef Safe
Orange Shoulder Tang
Reef safe
Flame Angel
With Caution
Lyretail Anthia
Reef Safe
Male Randall's Anthia
Reef safe
Lawnmower Blenny
With Caution
Bicolor Blenny
Reef Safe
Sixline Wrasse
Reef safe
Pearly Jawfish
Reef Safe
Royal Gramma
Reef Safe
Diamond Goby
Reef safe
Citron Clown Goby $25
Reef Safe
Starry Blenny
Reef Safe
White Sleeper Goby
Reef safe
Golden Rabbitfish
With Caution
Male Melanurus Wrasse

Reef Safe
Chocolate Mimic Tang
Reef safe
Carpenter Fairy Wrasse
Reef Safe
Formosa Wrasse
Fish Only
Yellow Watchman Goby

Reef safe
Rose Antenna Goby
Reef Safe
Rainford Goby
Reef Safe
Scopas Tang
Sm $45 Lg 90
Reef safe
Yellow Belly Hippo $125
Reef Safe
Red Margin Wrasse
Reef Safe
ORA Designer Clownfish
$99 2/$160
Reef safe
Valentini Puffer

With Caution
Black Spot Foxface
Reef Safe
Tailspot Blenny
Reef Safe
Large Purple Tang
Reef Safe
Pintail Wrasse
Reef Safe
Large Blue Eye Tang $129
Reef safe
Longnose Hawk
with caution
Flame Hawk
Reef Safe
Tomini Tang
Reef safe
Black Molly
Reef Safe
$15 ea
Reef Safe
Springeri Damsel $16 ea
Reef safe
Invert Specials

Cerith Snail
Chocolate Chip Star
Sm Nassarius
Blue Leg Hermit
Emerald Crab
$4 ea or 3 for $10
Pompom Crab
XLG Nassarius
$4 ea or 3 for $10
Tiger Conch
Lettuce Nudabranch $25
Purple Urchin
Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp $8 or 3 for $20
Bumble Bee Snail
Fire Shrimp
Mexican Turbo
$4 3/$10
Astrea Snail
10 for $7
Harlequin Shrimp $45
Sexy Shrimp

Fintastic Aquariums of Wake County Team