A Word from Mark
Dear Friends of WTLC,
I want to take a moment to acknowledge and commend everyone reading this for making it through the first six weeks since the issuance of the Safe-At-Home Order. In these difficult times, I encourage you to be patient in the affliction that is invading all of our lives—some much more personally and physically than others; to seek the endurance, resilience, and healing that is so needed now—as well as ways in which we can support those providing frontline care for our community; and, finally, to be joyful in the hope that this crisis will come under control and progress towards reasonable guidance, allowing us to carefully return to “normal” life. It is truly a blessing to see how as a community and as individuals, we are able to come together to make fundamental and often disruptive changes in our daily lives with a better future in sight.

COVID-19 has put the survivors in our community in an unprecedented situation, one in which they are forced through social distancing guidelines and stay-at-home orders to be around the person who causes them harm almost 24/7. WTLC has experienced the effects of this development first-hand as the number of calls received by our helpline last month more than doubled the number we received at this same time last year. We are proud to remain fully operational to provide essential services to these survivors whose home lives are more precarious and dangerous than ever before. Our shelter facilities continue to be utilized to capacity, ensuring survivors and their children have the resources to remain safe and healthy while escaping situations of violence and exploitation. We have additionally worked in the past month to adapt to this new normal, implementing tele-services across programs so that those in our programs can continue to receive counseling, case management, and legal advocacy all from the safety and comfort of their own homes via webcam or telephone.

As we have already seen in just the past month, we cannot do this alone. Our ability to meet the increased need for services and remain adaptable to this constantly changing situation is only possible because of your continued dedication to the survivors in our community.

Your support lets those in our programs know that they are not alone, even during these times of distancing and isolation, and that they have a community of support behind them . Would you consider making a gift to support the ongoing safety of the survivors in our community? 
With much appreciation,

The Role of Telehealth in Reducing the Mental Health Burden from COVID-19
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, WTLC has worked to continue providing critical support to survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking. While many of us are utilizing virtual meetings to facilitate work schedules and connect with friends and family; our Clinical Department is currently providing tele-mental health sessions. Support from one of our Clinical Advocates is just a click or a phone call away. 

Many news publications have reported an increase in intimate partner violence during the pandemic with many survivors experiencing a heightened feeling of being isolated or trapped in dangerous and unhealthy relationships. With current stay-at-home orders in effect, survivors and their families are spending more time in the presence of their abuser, putting them at greater risk of emotional and physical harm. 
Elder Abuse Awareness Month: Doing Our Part to Keep Elders Safe
Elder abuse is a growing problem affecting 1 in 10 Americans ages 60 and over (National Council on Aging, 2020), with as many as 5 million elders being abused each year in the United States. According to The National Research Council, it is estimated that only 1 in 14 cases of abuse are reported to law enforcement. The Elder Abuse Awareness Website (2019), reports that there are an estimated 202,549 cases of reported elder and dependent adult abuse in California each year. That means less than 5% of abuse against an elder or dependent adult is being reported. In addition to being grossly under reported, these types of abuse is usually reported to programs and agencies working with elder abuse victims and not to law enforcement.
Thank You For Making Sure Survivors Remain Safe
Thank YOU —our community—for helping to make sure the survivors in our programs remain safe and supported during this unprecedented time. From donations of food from Mr. BBQ that allowed those in our shelter to enjoy a delicious Easter meal, to the donation of Girl Scout cookies from community member Jake Nolan, to the monetary donations that have ensured we are able to respond to any unexpected survivor needs as they arise—we are so grateful for your continued dedication to the health, safety, and emotional wellbeing of those in our programs.
Mobilizing the World through Giving
#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 – in addition to the regularly scheduled Dec 1, 2020 #GivingTuesday – as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.
Join us on May 5, 2020 to drive a spike of generosity, citizen engagement, business and philanthropy activation, and support for communities and nonprofits around the world.
Programs & Services

Learn about the resources we provide to empower people for independent living.
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