Join us for a FREE 4-part Interactive Series!
Being held for the first time, livestreamed from the TRCM boardroom"AGOWIIDIWINAN" (Treaties): Moving Forward Together" will bring Treaty Focused leaders from all sectors to:

  • Acquire best practice knowledge on a meaningful way forward to honour, recognize and implement First Nation Treaties and the Treaty Relationship as a benefit to ALL Canadians

  • Connect with like minded leaders and thought leadership on the issue/topic of Treaties, The Treaty Relationship and the Way Forward.

  • Learn and grow through access to subject matter experts and the sharing of best practices / recommendations / meaningful next steps for action.

  • Receive best practice knowledge on how to take action, get involved, and make change to honour, recognize and implement Treaties and the Treaty Relationship.

  • Meet & Hear from renowned Indigenous knowledge keepers, scholars and expert presenters on Treaties in contemporary practice.

  • Explore the importance and significance of Treaties and the Treaty Relationship for All Canadians.

  • Learn about the original spirit and intent of Treaties, where we are today, and how we can move forward together.

  • Engage with trailblazers, innovators and thought leaders on ways to develop effective Treaty Based policies and action in the work of First Nations, governments, organizations and institutions.

  • Ask anything you ever wanted to know about Treaties during our Live Expert Q&A Sessions following each Webinar.

  • Connect with decision makers, leaders and experts and work together to make positive change.

  • Grow in mutual understanding and build relationships to thrive and co-exist together as Treaty People!
*There is limited seating so register soon!

Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba