April 30, 2021
A Note from Communications Office
Dear community of the Diocese of Olympia,

While we continue to navigate the uncertainty and ever-evolving situation of this current health crisis, our weekly diocesan newsletter, Across the Diocese, will remain slightly truncated and be focused on sharing out resources, important information, points of connection between our worshiping communities, and virtual events for the benefit of the entire diocese.


Josh Hornbeck
Canon Missioner for Communications
One Service for Turtle Island
In the cosmology of North and South American peoples, Turtle Island is the geographic region covering Canada, United States, Central America, and South America. On Sunday, April 25, we gathered together to worship Jesus with Episcopalians from all over the Diocese of Olympia led by our Circles of Color and focused on the languages, cultures, and experiences of the First Peoples of Turtle Island, with a specific focus on communities from within Province 8. This online service was a chance for diocesan-wide worship, learning, connection, and conversation, as well as an opportunity to give our working clergy a Sunday off from preaching and presiding.

The One Service also included a Town Hall webinar after worship with Bishop Rickel and members of Circles of Color to process the worship experience and go deeper into dialogue around issues of race and culture in our diocese, with special attention to the experiences of Indo-Hispanic/Indigenous peoples and a specific focus on communities from within Province 8.

If you missed any part of the service, you can find links to the full service video, the Rev. Carla Robinson's sermon inviting us all into "compassionate wondering," the Town Hall, sermon transcripts and translations, resources mentioned in the Town Hall, and more by following the link below!
Spring Update from Chaplains on the Harbor
What a spring this is! To see new life, sunshine, and hope breaking through in the midst of a world still very much on fire with injustice and grief can almost give you spiritual whiplash. And yet this is how it’s always been for our ministry at Chaplains on the Harbor, and for poor and oppressed people everywhere on earth—in the middle of a cruel slew of overdoses and shocking state violence, celebrations of new life and a promising harvest. Not unlike the volatile, pendulum swing of conditions we encounter in the story of Jesus and the disciples: miracles of good food and abundant healing for the poor cracking through the brutality and indifference of the Roman Empire.
Diocese of Olympia Seeks Canon for Finance
Come work with us! The Office of the Bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia is seeking a Canon for Finance.

The Canon for Finance reports directly to the bishop and is a member of the bishop’s Executive Team. The Canon for Finance oversees all fiscal and accounting activities of the Diocese of Olympia including budgeting and forecasting processes, financial analysis, reporting and financial planning, accounting operations, insurances, compliance with IRS and applicable federal, state and local regulations, and risk management assessment. This position also serves as a resource to congregations and ministries within the diocese to ensure that the congregations’ fiscal matters follow accepted procedures and comply with applicable laws and regulations. At an exciting time in our history, the successful candidate will transition this office to a (mostly) digital enterprise with a staff that is experiencing a combination of in-person and work-from-home. The Diocese of Olympia recently recommitted itself to the goal of anti-racism. The Canon for Finance will support leadership as it realigns budgets with the stated goals of diversity and inclusion.

Find out more below!
Underhill House
Seeking Board Members
Millennials would describe Underhill House as a ‘mash-up’. We offer a quiet place to pause for prayer: a physical space. You can slip in, sit down and relax, and leave when you’re ready. You are welcome to meditate or pray alone and, if you’d like, someone can sit with you in a space set aside for listening, and then offer prayer, silently or aloud. We welcome people from all faiths and all walks of life.

Our goal is to broaden our Board with members of the community who align with our Mission. No prior Board experience needed. We aren’t seeking special skills; instead, we value your life experiences. Although, if numbers are your friends, we do have an upcoming opening for a Treasurer <grin>. We value inclusion and diverse paths. Reach out to the Rev. Susan Dean: susan@underhillhouse.org
Give BIG for Edible Hope
Early giving has begun for St. Luke's Edible Hope Kitchen's annual Give BIG fundraiser! A donation to Edible Hope Kitchen allows them to continue serving the community and make an impact every day. Your support funds the necessary equipment and/or supplies to keep everything running (e.g. steam tables, knives, sugar, coffee, sanitizer, etc.) Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make a difference today.

Visit their fundraising page to make a donation or create your own fundraiser page! Remember that liking and sharing their page (and yours and your friends') goes further than you think.
Camp Huston:
Summer Camp 2021
June-August, 2021

Join Camp Huston for the 2021 Summer Camp season! Registration is now open!
Free Pews Available
Seven wooden pews, each 7-9 feet long, are available at Christ Episcopal Church (4548 Brooklyn Avenue NE, Seattle, Washington 98105). Each pew has a red cushion and simple cross design on each end. The back has fold down kneelers and book rack, and the entire pew can be dismantled for easy transport. Please contact Mary Herdell at mherdell@gmail.com.
Foosball and Air Hockey Tables Available
Saint Margaret's, Bellevue, has a full-size foosball table and a full-size air hockey table, and both are up for grabs. Both items work well, but they are currently stored in a hallway with the legs off, so the pictures are not the best. Please contact Sonja Lindberg (slindberg@saintmargarets.org) if you are interested in either of these!
COVID-19: Requirements, Recommendations, and Resources
The following page contains requirements, recommendations, and resources for churches in the Diocese of Olympia put together by the Office of the Bishop as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Online Formation Classes and Events
During this continued time of online gathering, churches across the diocese have being offering online formation events and classes. Follow the link below to see current offerings and find links to submit your church's online formation events!
Webinars from the Diocese of Olympia
During this time of remote gathering, the Diocese of Olympia has been holding a series of webinars on a wide range of topics, including stewardship, faith formation, and specific topics related to regathering once our buildings open once again. Here you can find an archive of our past webinars, grouped by topic, if you would like to revisit the material, or if you missed the webinar the first time around.
Live-Streaming Services
Across the Diocese
As more of our churches have moved to live-streaming their services, we've created a directory of our churches with services times and links to where you can join for Sunday morning and weekday prayer.
Youth Nights
New Time: 6:30-8:00pm

Join other youth from all across Western Washington gather for online games and activities, discussions, guest speakers, and worship.

NEW AGE BREAKDOWN: Grades 6-12, with breakout groups for middle school and high school.
Youth Ministry Leadership Meetings
First Thursdays, 10:00am

Join other youth ministry leaders across the diocese for a monthly leadership meeting!
The Practice of Authentic Allyship
May 4 & May 11; 6:30pm

Learn what authentic allyship is, what it is not, and key skills, strategies and awarenesses to stand with others; gain a better understanding of the caste system in the US and how it impacts all of us; practice sharing your own story of why you want to stand as an ally; and learn some guidelines for conversation with your family and your groups in this workshop from Paths to Understanding.
Clergy Retreat
May 2-5

Clergy of the diocese, please mark your calendars and plan to attend our online Clergy Retreat, focused on rest and renewal.
Mediation Skills Training Institute (MSTI) Refresher Course
May 11 and June 12, 7:00am

For those who have already taken the Mediation Skills Training Institute (MSTI), they are pleased to offer a new one-day event: the MSTI Refresher Course!
Saint Mark’s Music Series:
All-Bach on the Flentrop Organ
May 14, 7:30pm

For the final concert of the 2020-21 Music Series - and the second All-Bach Concert of the pandemic - join Hannah Byun, Wyatt Smith, Susanna Valleau, and Johann Sebastian Bach for a free, live-streamed concert of organ favorites from the mighty Flentrop organ of Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle.
Conflict Transformation Skills
June 3, 7:00am; $99 Registration

Join the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center for this workshop where participants learn to manage conflicts within their churches in a healthier manner.
Healthy Congregations
June 15, 6:30am; $99 Registration

Join the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center for Healthy Congregations, using the insights of Bowen family systems theory to help church leaders become more effective stewards of their congregations' health.