Advocacy Alert
Actions this week on Education Equity and Citizen Initiative Petition

Actions are need this week to support JCRC's work in two areas:
ensuring Education Equity and saving the Citizen's Initiative Petition.

Last week the Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee heard two bills that would impact what could be taught in public school classrooms. Tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 24, the same committee will hear a similar bill that also contains "don't say gay" and trans-athlete discrimination provisions.

And in the first House Election Committee meeting of the year, the House will hear five bills that would negatively impact the Citizen Initiative Petition, the process which allows citizens to place issues on the ballot for a public vote. If you wish to submit testimony, it must be received by 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 24.

Please see below for links that contain more information and how to take action.

Thank you.
Cheryl Adelstein
Deputy Director
Take Action

Education Equity and Non-Discrimination
  • Contact the Senate Education and Workforce Development Committee and tell them to vote no on SB 4 and SB 89 (heard last week), and no on SB 42 which will be heard on Tuesday, Jan. 24. This bill will:

  1. Ban inclusive, diverse, and comprehensive curriculum in public schools
  2. Rob young people and students of an inclusive education and educational environment
  3. Ban transgender girls and women from participating in team sports

Senate Education and Workforce Committee:
Sen. Andrew Koenig: 573-751-5568, [email protected]
Sen. Rick Brattin: 573-751-2108, [email protected]
Sen. Denny Hoskins, 573-751-4302, [email protected]
Sen. Nick Schroer, 573-751-1282, [email protected]
Sen. Elaine Gannon, 573-751-4008, [email protected]
Sen. Curtis Trent, 573-751-1503, [email protected]
Sen. Lauren Arthur, 573-751-5282, [email protected]
Sen. Doug Beck, 573-751-0220, [email protected]
Sen. Greg Razer, 573-751-6607, [email protected]

For More Information:
  • Click here to read Promo's Legislative Update
  • Click here for a script if you want to call or write to the Committee Members and tell them to vote no.
  • Click here for talking points from the Let Them Learn Coalition on SB 4 and 89
  • Click here to read JCRC's testimony on SB 4 and 89.
  • Click here to view an education program on the impacts of controlling K-12 education
Citizen Initiative Petition

Over two dozen pieces of legislation regarding the initiative petition process have been submitted. These bills aim to make it more difficult for Missouri citizens to get initiatives on the ballot and create higher thresholds for passing ballot initiatives on issues that matter most to Missourians. These bills broadly attack the initiative petition process and limit the power of Missouri voters. Click here for a summary of each bill and talking points.

Here are links to the individual bills:


For More Information:

Upcoming Lobby Days

Lobby days are a great way to engage with legislators and staff on issues important to you, and learn your way around the Capitol.
Human Trafficking Lobby Day
Wednesday, February 1 | 9 AM
Missouri State Capitol, First Floor Rotunda
Hosted by NCJWSTL
Please join us for important conversations with legislators and coalition partners on Human Trafficking in recognition of Human Trafficking Awareness month.
This event is presented by Missouri State Senator Brian Williams, the Missouri Attorney General Human Trafficking Task Force, and the National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis.

The event is free of charge, but you must RSVP to Jen Bernstein. Transportation from the NCJWSTL office will be provided.
Education Equity Lobby Day
Wednesday, February 9 | TBD
Missouri State Capitol, Jefferson City, MO
Hosted by Missouri Education Equity Partnership

More information coming - JCRC will be bringing a delegation. Contact Cheryl Adelstein if you want to attend.
Upcoming JCRC Programs
Advocacy in Action: Leading through Uncertainty
March 3-5, 2023: Registration Now Open
Sheraton Westport Plaza
Presented by NCJWSTL
Co-sponsored by JCRC and the Jewish Council on Public Affairs
Join NCJW in St. Louis March 3-5, 2023 for a full weekend of workshops and speakers with plenty of time to share best practices and learn from each other. Workshops will include learning how to advocate, social media for advocacy, how to write letters to the editor, creating coalitions, reaching outside for support, and other topics that will help you move forward on the issues of importance to all of us.