Planning Commission Hearing Details
Wednesday, December 5, 6:00 pm
City Council Chambers
2600 Fresno Street, 2nd Floor

This Wednesday, December 5, at 6:00 pm, the Fresno City Planning Commission will hold a hearing on three permit applications for the route 5b access project at Fresno River West.

The Commission will consider approving the City of Fresno's variance to their bluff protection ordinance and authorizing the removal of up to 12 mature Sycamore trees in order to construct the entrance road down the bluff.

As you may recall the River Parkway Trust is opposed to alternative 5b due to the destruction of the enormous Sycamore trees currently growing on the bluff and shown in the adjacent photos.

Please click here for the meeting agenda. Click here to review the additional informational items about the project.

We encourage you to attend the hearing and voice your concern.