ACTION ALERT 6-29-2020:
the latest news and actions  concerning
the arts, culture, creativity and community throughout Wisconsin
Opportunities, resources and information 

Resources from Arts Wisconsin:    
  • COVID-19 resources and
  •  Listserves!  In the past few months, Arts Wisconsin has created a whole bunch o'listserves on various arts and creative sector disciplines, on the platform.  These are complimentary and user-friendly ways to connect, communicate, discuss, vent (within reason), share ideas, and have a forum for discussion about your line of work or area of interest.  
Please sign up for any and all of these listserves, and make them come alive to connect and converse.  Remember, "the more they're used, the more they're used."   Click on each email address to sign up! 
Regional arts funding available: Arts Midwest is overseeing the  United States Regional Arts Resilience Fund,  with funding from the Andrew WMellon Foundation.  The Fund is a national recovery and resilience initiative,, providing financial support to catalyzerecovery and build resilience for arts and cultural organizations facing disruption and loss during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Deadline for application:  July 8, 2020.  

Act now and speak up for creative sector investment 
Please help Arts Wisconsin deliver the message to Wisconsin's federal representatives that creativity and the creative sector must lead the way to recovery, resilience, and revitalization.

Arts Wisconsin is asking the state's creative sector organizations and businesses,  for-profit and non-profit, to sign on to a national "call for 
action" to Wisconsin's U.S. Senators and Representatives .   Click here
for the letter and the sign-up form.

Add your voice to the  chorus calling on our Congressional  representatives to support and  invest in the state's creative assets as plans  develop for additional  forms of federal assistance during the COVID-19  pandemic and beyond.    This letter was created by Americans for the Arts and has been endorsed by a long list of national and statewide organizations, including Arts Wisconsin.

Let  decision-makers know that investing in creativity is investing in Wisconsin's economy, health, and well-being.   The list is growing - nearly 100 organizations and businesses have signed on in six days - and there's no limit to the number of supporters.  The more voices heard from, the more impact we have.  The deadline to sign on to this letter is Friday, July 3.     Thanks  for your good advocacy.

Impact Surveys and Results  
Americans for the Arts is tracking the human and financial impacts o
f the COVID-19 crisis on the arts sector
.  If you haven't completed this survey, or if it's been a while since you completed it, please add or update your data.

Click here for the weekly review of survey results (as of 6-22-20), and learn more about the surveys and results here:
Listening sessions and webinars
Listening sessions with Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board
Arts Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Arts Board host Zoom listening sessions to
to share perspectives on the impact of the pandemic on work and life, and brainstorm recommendations on actions to take locally and globally.  All are welcome to join in.   Watch for more info after July 1 about sessions happening as the summer progresses.  
Help Arts Wisconsin keep Wisconsin's creativity strong
For over 25 years, the work of Arts Wisconsin has been all about growing Wisconsin creatively. Arts Wisconsin's mission, vision and purpose are all about access, equity, and equality in the arts, culture, and creativity for everyone, everywhere in the state. We are committed to recognizing and acting on real and equitable change, to be part of the striving for a better world.  

We need your help to do this critical work on behalf of Wisconsin, its people, and its communities.  Please make a tax-deductible donation today.  

The role and impact of creativity in our lives and our communities has never been more important. In the age of coronavirus, economic troubles, and needed societal change, the creative  spirit in all of us will move us forward. 

Right now and into the future, Arts Wisconsin is helping to make the most of Wisconsin's creative assets and resources as we move through recovery, re-emergence, and revitalization for the state, its people, and its communities.  In the words of National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Mary Anne Carter, "the arts can build bridges, promote tolerance, and heal social divisions."  We need the arts now, more than ever.

Sponsor Shout-Out / thanks to supporters!

Many thanks to the generous supporters of Arts Wisconsin's programs and services  who make possible our statewide work to help Wisconsin's recovery, re-emergence, and revitalization.

This week's Sponsor Shoutout is to the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), which  represents the public policy, labor and professional interests of its members. WEAC is a strong voice for its members and for the 865,000 children in Wisconsin public schools.

The public schools we have today are the result of the investments, ingenuity and commitment of those who have come before us.

When educators stand together, they also help our students and our communities.   WEAC believes that together we can maintain our traditions and keep Wisconsin at the forefront of quality and innovation in public education.

Many thanks to WEAC for the organization's good work and statewide service, and for supporting Arts Wisconsin's advocacy and development work to keep Wisconsin's arts, arts education, and creative economy strong.
Action Alerts are an important service of Arts Wisconsin as Wisconsin's community cultural development and advocacy organization.   Please help us continue these Action Alerts and our advocacy, service, and development work help keep Wisconsin's creative economy strong now and into the future,  by making a tax-deductible contribution to Arts Wisconsin Many thanks!
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