Action Alert: Virginia Balanced Budget Amendment Application 

HJ 23


Our BBA Application sponsor Delegate Jim LeMunyon needs our assistance.  HJ 23 applying for a Convention of States for the express purpose of a federal balanced budget amendment is currently before the House Rules Committee tomorrow Jan 31st at 4:00. 


The application faces resistance from Eagle Forum, John Birch Society, and other misinformed individuals.  It is our responsibility to set the record straight on Article V


In addition to supporting HJ 23, please let the members of the Rules Committee know you support HB 437 Delegate Limitation Act. 


This act provides for the selection by the General Assembly of delegates and alternates to attend the convention, for instructions to the delegates and alternates, for their oath to adhere to the instructions, for the appointment of observers, and for the power to recall delegates, alternates, and observers.


Key Rules Committee Members:


Ware, Jones, Ingram, Massie -- have voted for Article V BBA resolutions in the past, but may not be firmly committed.


Landes, Knight, Habeeb have voted against Article V BBA resolutions out of runaway convention fears.


The other members of the Rules Committee are either firmly with us or against us.


Please lend your support by emailing members of the Rules Committee below using the script and contact info below.


The Rules Committee will act on HJ 23, Friday, January 31st, please act today! 


In Liberty,



Scott Rogers
Executive Director
Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force
P.O. Box 1261
Leesburg, VA 20177
Twitter: BBA4USA
Sample Letter

Email Subject Line: Support HJ 23

Dear Delegate ___________ ,
I reject the U.S. Government's dangerous deficit spending which has put America at risk for bankruptcy. I urge you to support HJ 23 which applies for a Convention of States for the limited purpose of proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


A Convention of States requires two-thirds (34) of the States to apply before it can be called. Twenty States have already applied for the express purpose of a Balanced Budget Amendment.  Let's make Virginia number 21!


In addition, I urge you to support HB 437, this bill is the mechanism for the Virginia Legislature to select, credential, instruct, and recall its delegates to any Article V Convention of States.


Time is running out, and only swift action on your part can save our nation from a disastrous financial meltdown. For more information on this movement which is currently sweeping across Virginia, please visit:




Your Name

House Rules Committee Contact Information
Speaker William J. Howell [R](804)
Delegate R. Steven Landes [R](804)
Delegate M. Kirkland Cox [R](804)
Delegate Terry G. Kilgore [R](804)
Delegate R. Lee Ware, Jr. [R](804)
Delegate S. Chris Jones [R](804)
Delegate Robert D. Orrock, Sr [R](804)
Delegate Barry D. Knight [R](804)
Delegate Riley E. Ingram [R](804)
Delegate James P. Massie, III [R](804)
Delegate Gregory D. Habeeb [R](804)
Delegate Johnny S. Joannou [D](804)
Delegate Kenneth R. Plum [D](804)
Delegate Algie T. Howell, Jr [D](804)
Delegate David J. Toscano [D](804)


Help the Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force and our coalition partners win in Virginia! Your $5, $10, or $25 contribution will truly change the course of our nation.
Take Action!
Sample Letter
Rules Committee Contact Information
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We Demand a Balanced Budget


Citizens Against Government Waste


Families for America


National Tax-Limitation Committee


I Am American


The Jeffersonian Project


The Reagan Project