The Nation's Public-Private Partnership for Suicide Prevention

New 988 Messaging Framework Aims to
Align Messaging Efforts

Your Role in Aligning 988 Messaging Efforts
While the 988 Messaging Framework aims to align messaging efforts, that will only be achievable if there is widespread use by those developing 988-related messages, like many of you. Please play a key role in this messaging alignment effort by considering the following:

  • Encouraging use of the 988 Messaging Framework internally at your organization by sharing with your communications, policy, or other teams touching upon 988 messaging
  • Posting about the 988 Messaging Framework on your social media channels using these sample social media posts and social shareables
  • Sharing the 988 Messaging Framework with your networks using this sample e-newsletter or listserv blurb
  • Adding a link to the 988 Messaging Framework to your organization’s website in the resource or library section (
  • Communicating about the 988 Messaging Framework at an upcoming meeting or conference using this tailorable PowerPoint slide deck

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention is housed at Education Development Center.