Fine Arts Night

Wednesday, May 17th

5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Uniform Information:

We have introduced new uniform guidelines this year. Please review the uniform requirements and complete the necessary steps to ensure that your student is ready for the performance.

High School Uniforms
Middle School Uniforms

Rental uniforms will be distributed to Chamber Singers, Bella Voce, and women in the 9th and 10th grade curricular choirs.

Note: Members of Chamber Singers have already paid the rental fee.

Men's Chorus and men in the 9th and 10th grade curricular choirs are responsible for providing uniforms that fit the requirements.

All students in 6th-8th grade music, both curricular and the Middle School Chorus, are responsible for providing uniforms that fit the requirements.

Rental uniforms will be distributed the week of 5/1.

Alteration appointment days TBD

Rental uniforms must be returned on 5/18.

For questions, please contact Mr. Liles ( and Ms. Perez (

Pay Rental Fee
Rental Agreement
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