The ASPIRE (Achievement, Success, Progress, Independence, Readiness & Evolve) program will host a Stabilization Day event in mid-April, during which those in need may procure assistance with paying rent and/or utilities.

ASPIRE's Stabilization Days are planned for Monday, April 12, through Wednesday, April 14, for Cumberland County. Stabilization Days for Sampson County residents were held in late March.

Cumberland residents should submit the required documents by 3 p.m. on April 14.

All required documents should be emailed to:

Required documents:
  • All income for everyone in household ages 18 and up for past 90 days;
  • ID of all household members ages 18 and up;
  • Social Security cards;
  • Current utility bill and/or current mortgage bill or lease agreement.

Questions? Call the Sampson County office at (910) 249-4805, or the Cumberland County office at (910) 223-0116.

To learn more about the ASPIRE program, click HERE.