Monthly News from United Way of Northeast Louisiana
November 2022 Edition
To Our Children, With Love
This year, United Way of Northeast Louisiana is giving the community an opportunity to provide holiday gifts and necessities to local foster children through a partnership with Louisiana Foster Care Support Services and Royal Family Kids for Northeast Louisiana.
Royal Family Kids for Northeast Louisiana is a non-profit organization that serves children in foster care in the 11 DCFS parishes for Northeast Louisiana. We are asking for sponsors to help create a magical Christmas for foster children by providing toys and necessities through an online giving platform. Upon shipment, all purchases will be processed and gift wrapped by a team of Louisiana Foster Care and United Way NELA volunteers, then delivered to foster children in time for the holidays. All donations are tax deductible.
We appreciate your heart for the children in our community! Click below to get involved:
Workplace Campaigns: Check out all the FUN happening in Northeast Louisiana!
West Monroe Police Department
This group won the City of West Monroe’s annual United Way Chili Cook-off!
Alli Management Solutions
Employees held a “Bee the Change” themed piggy bank decorating contest!
City of West Monroe
Employees had a Top Gun themed pumpkin decorating contest! The winners were announced at the annual Chili Cook-off!
Megan Hardy at Sallie Humble
This employee won ULM vs. Texas St. tickets donated by Monroe Coca-Cola Bottling Company UNITED!
Financial Institution Services Corporation
Employees participated in a fun costume contest!
Hunt Forest Products
Employees participated in a decades costume contest. Each decade from 1940 to 2000 was represented!
Northern Louisiana Medical Center
Employees participated in a raffle to win different baskets containing prizes!
Faulk & Foster
Employees participated in fun games during their campaign!
ALICE in Focus: Veterans
In 2019, there were 224,516 military veterans in Louisiana. Overall, a majority of them have fared better economically than nonveterans, in line with a belief that our nation must meet veterans’ basic needs given their service and sacrifice.
Yet in 2019, a substantial 80,928 of those who served our country struggled to make ends meet in Louisiana. According to the Federal Poverty Level (FPL), 9% of veterans in Louisiana (20,897) lived in poverty in 2019. But United For ALICE data shows that another 27% (60,031) —three times as many — were also experiencing financial hardship, in households that earned above the FPL but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they lived.
The reality is that more than one-third (36%) of all veterans in Louisiana lived in a household with income below the ALICE Threshold of Financial Survival in 2019, the highest rate of all U.S. states.
Campaign Coordinator Spotlights
Throughout the month of November, United Way of Northeast Louisiana highlighted the work of just a few Campaign Coordinators in our area. These phenomenal Campaign Coordinators made and are continuing to make a difference in their workplaces, communities, and the lives of people they may never meet. Thank you to these outstanding volunteers for their effort to LIVE UNITED!
Watch their interviews below:
Kay Gray
Cross Keys Bank
Leslie Harvey
Hunt Forest Products
Scott McCain
Alli Management Solutions
Adarian Williams
Grambling State University
VolunteerUNITED Spotlight: Volunteers read to students at Union Parish Elementary School
The outstanding community members of the Town of Farmerville kicked off an exciting reading event this past Monday! Among the volunteers was were Sheriff Dusty Gates, Mayor John Crow, Mary Barrios - Community Outreach Director, Collette Barnes, Mindy Barelle - Director of Parks and Recreation, and Teddy Gibson - Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation. Our volunteers read to the Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade classes at Union Parish Elementary. United Way of Northeast Louisiana provided each student with the book that was read to them. Thank you to our outstanding volunteers for showing these students what it means to #LIVEUNITED!
UWNELA 211: Referral and Care Coordinator Highlight
Our 211 Referral and Care Coordinator (RCC) is working with a client who has been living with family and friends for two years. This client struggles with mental health issues and has no income or SNAP benefits to help support herself and daughter. The 211 RCC met with the client at the West Ouachita Public Library and assisted her with filling out applications. The client was referred to mental health services, was provided with resources to receive clothing for her and her daughter, and received referrals to food banks in the region. The 211 RCC also helped to connect the client with a direct contact to assist with SNAP benefits and encouraged the client to fill out a Section 8 Housing application online. The client has obtained all necessary resources and is on the right track to having a better life of independency for herself and her daughter.
Young Leaders UNITED is excited to announce Give Back Bingo, an opportunity for individuals and families to give back to others this holiday season!
During the month of November, we invite you to participate by downloading the Give Back Bingo form and completing a row of activities to serve your local community. All submissions will be entered into drawings in December for gift cards to local businesses and restaurants, sponsored by Drax!
Staff Spotlight: Sydney Russo
Sydney Russo is the Digital Marketing Associate at United Way of Northeast Louisiana. Serving all departments of the organization, Sydney is responsible for digital media and graphics, supporting brand standards and guidelines, performing administrative tasks specific to the Marketing and Communications department, and maintaining website and social media content. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from the University of Louisiana Monroe and is passionate about reading and writing.
In her free time, Sydney enjoys spending quality time with her son, Turner, and her two nephews, Ledger and Griffin.
From SingleCare: How to avoid heartburn during the holidays
The holidays bring food—and lots of it! Our partner SingleCare tells us how to avoid, or treat, the
dreaded holiday heartburn that can go hand-in-hand with the delicious meals you'll eat this season.
From Ready4K: Tips for Creating a Just-Right Routine
Creating daily routines is powerful. Routines help kids know what to expect and what is expected of them. This helps kids feel more comfortable, secure, and confident. Routines also build independence and responsibility.
Creating the right get ready for school routine can make everyone’s lives easier. What’s the right routine for your family?
United Way NELA expands Ready4K parent/child engagement to 8,000+ families
United Way of Northeast Louisiana is expanding one of its school-based initiatives, Ready4K. Ready4K is highly accessible, evidence-based family engagement for parents and caregivers of Pre-K through fourth grade school children. Accessible to United Way NELA partner school families, Ready4K leverages text messaging as a powerful tool to deliver learning activities at home and on the go for both parents and their Pre-K through fourth grade children.
In 2021, United Way NELA reports the following metrics from its Ready4K initiative:
35,325 text messages were sent to empower families to recognize and act on every day, teachable moments.
100% of parents reported that Ready4K helped their children learn and grow.
“Our last launch was so well-received that we decided to expand to reach even more families of local school children. We are thrilled to extend Ready4K engagement to over 8,000 local children, Pre-K through fourth grade, across 14 schools in five parishes,” said Kim Lowery, Vice President of Strategy at United Way of Northeast Louisiana.
For more information about United Way of Northeast Louisiana’s Ready4K initiative, call 211 or contact Michelle Saucer, Community Initiatives Director at You can also visit to learn more about United Way NELA’s work across the region.
Steamboat and Tocqueville Society Members Party | Thursday, December 8 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Monroe
Steamboat and Tocqueville Society Members Party | Thursday, December 8 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in Ruston
Young Leaders UNITED Christmas Party | Tuesday, December 13 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Flying Heart Brewery in Monroe