October 7, 2021
Life is a journey meant to be shared. Come join us on the Way.
Our Latest Covid Response
Dear Fellow Travelers,

I am writing to update you on our response to the ever changing COVID pandemic. Given the current upsurge in COVID and the new, highly contagious delta variant, we are taking the following actions in an effort to provide safe worship and fellowship experiences for our people.

  • We will be following CDC guidance regarding masks. They say that, even if one is fully vaccinated, “To maximize protection from the Delta variant and prevent possibly spreading it to others, wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission.”  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated.html . Unfortunately, we are in an area of substantial transmission.
  • Since we are asking people to wear masks at worship and other meetings, there is no longer a need for two services.  We will be returning to one service at 10:30 a.m. beginning August 22.
  • Because singing spreads COVID more than speaking, we - return to the abbreviated service we used earlier in the pandemic. It has fewer songs and a shorter liturgy. In addition, there will be fewer vocalists in the worship group.
  • Grace 101 (scheduled for August 29) and Adult Forum (scheduled to begin September 12) have been put on hold. We will advise you when they are rescheduled.

We regret any inconvenience these changes might cause. However, our policy has been and still remains, safety first. 
Hopefully, this resurgence will be over soon and we can enjoy a more normal way of life. Until then,
Stay safe,
Latest Sermon
If. It is a tiny word with HUGE impact. What is the big if? Find out in this sermon by Bishop Clark WP Lowenfield.
Go Deeper
Men’s Bible Study – Saturday Mornings
Grace Anglican’s Men’s Bible Study resumes at 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning September 11 at Grace with fresh-brewed coffee for all men who want to gather in person. Breakfast will be served at 8:00, and our study of the book of Genesis will begin at 8:30 and conclude by 9:30.

Men can attend via Zoom beginning at 8:00 a.m. as well. Grace’s MBS uses a unique meeting technology that provides remote members with simultaneous views of both our meeting room and speaking participants. Contact Bill Russell at bill@graceanglicankaty.com to receive the Zoom invitation.
Youth Group — Joshua Series
Starting September 12, we will be starting our series on Joshua. This series will last for the whole Fall semester, looking at how God established Israel in the Promised Land. As we explore, we will be looking how the different events Israel goes through highlight God's character. We will also be using the techniques we learned in our bootcamp series on "How to Read Your Bible". It will be an interactive way for the students to really explore the richness of God's Word.
Women’s Bible Study – Tuesday Evenings
The life Jesus invites us into when we follow him is one of sacrifice. But does sacrificial living mean the Christian life should be riddled with sorrow? Paul answers that question in his letter to the Philippians with a resounding no. Paul, and the Philippians with him, lived joyfully in the midst of persecution, prison, and poverty.
In this eight-session series, Jo Saxton takes us through Philippians to encourage us to follow Jesus no matter what life throws at us. Through Paul's words and example, learn how joy and sacrifice can go hand-in-hand.

The study is on Tuesdays at 7pm on Zoom. The Study Guide will be sent to you in a downloadable format.

To join this study and receive the Study Guide contact karen@graceanglicankaty.com.
How Can We Pray for You?
Please Join Us for Evening Prayer!
Part of the Anglican way of being a Christian is to engage in certain rhythms of life. Some Anglicans make a habit of engaging in Morning and Evening Prayer daily. At Grace Anglican, we offer Evening Prayer on the second Monday of the month at 7:00. Join us this Monday, October 11 to pray for our church, our community and the world. The meeting is held on Zoom, and you can find the link as well as the meeting information below:

Meeting ID: 813 4454 0815
Passcode: 090737
Caring for Others
Play in the Hope Impacts Golf Tournament on October 25!
Play in the Upbring Golf Tournament on November 15!
Save the Date
Sprinkle Mary Grace & Baby Kunefke on November 14!
On Sunday, November 14, immediately following morning worship, we will be gathering to sprinkle Mary Grace as she and her family prepare for the arrival of their daughter! Please consider joining us if you are able! More details to come, but if you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Karen Henson at karen@graceanglicankaty.com.