
  • All About Progressive Education Actual Movie Footage of John Dewey!
  • Special Conference Arrangements for Our AERO e News Readers
  • Conference FAQ's From Peter
  • Follow Up on Discussion on TX Murders and Teen Mental Health
  • A Poem By Kimberly Wilder



Calendar (new)
All About Progressive Education
Actual Movie Footage of John Dewey!

Reader Fred Mindlin (String Stories| Digital Stories) tells us he is organizing a 75th anniversary of the progressive Westland School in 2024. It was founded in 1949. He was in its first graduating class and organized other learner-centered schools.

"It's remarkable to me how little most people know of the real history of progressive education in the US in particular and more generally."

He sent the following 1940's newsreel footage about progressive education including actual video of John Dewey!

Special Conference Arrangements for Our AERO e News Readers

We now have over 100 registrants from 23 states, 4 Canadian Provinces as well as from Rumania, Dominican Republic, Greece, Australia, South Africa, Germany, Lebanon, Mexico, Togo, and England. Our presenters and participants range across 6 continents. Our youth and adult presenters are from South Africa, India, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Nepal, Canada, United States, Hungary, Uganda, Nigeria, and Spain.  

The conference is only two weeks away.

We have extended the "choose your own rate" for the conference, so you can still do that if you register now. If you choose the full $125 rate you will also get free AERO membership. And now we are again offering both if you become a sustainer at the $10 monthly rate.

Become a sustainer HERE
Register at the rate you choose HERE

"Your last online conference was the best online event I’ve ever attended." CF

To see the amazing SCHEDULE with all the keynotes, workshops and other events, go HERE

We hope to see you at this year's AERO Conference. Register now to get a price you can afford. To use it go HERE.
Conference FAQ's From Peter

Ed: Vedananda, principal of the school at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram/orphanage in Nepal, wrote this message:
And why should we all flock together to the Festival ?

To Challenge Me to be Myself
You have to be yourself”, everybody says. We all seem to know what it means, but hardly can we become ourselves and act accordingly in this world where there are zillions of ideas confronting us. It should be a natural happening, but I....

Read the whole message HERE

You can subscribe to his blog for the Ashram HERE
Follow Up on Discussion on TX Murders and Teen Mental Health

There will be no chat Sunday. Peter has announced that the follow up discussion will be on Tuesday, June 14th at 7 PM EDT. The Zoom link is below.

A Poem By Kimberly Wilder

Ed: Kimberly wrote this in 1998. It is sad and frightening that it is still relevant today

A historical poem.
Written in 1998, in response to a school shooting
in Jonesboro, Arkansas

Jonesboro Public School Massacre

Four children and a teacher died.
Let us learn.

Let us force ourselves,
allow ourselves,
to measure, scrutinize, judge
the forces that influenced two young boys
to murder their peers.

Let us consider:

A school system called compulsory
pulling in younger and younger citizens of a free society.

An educational system dumping human beings
as delicate and sacred as our children into the public domain,
with adversarial unions, calculating insurance companies, looming lawsuits,
the right to bear arms.

A concept of professionalism
luring us in with status and money,
rewarding teachers and specialists
by crowning them pawns of the marketplace,
rewarding our children by creating new classes of adults
scurrying about them, not caring.

Let us weigh:

An acceptance of divorce
leaving troubled young boys unsupported in distant cities.
A system of divorce which makes it
embarrassing to celebrate Father’s Day in our classrooms.

Let us examine:

A culture of guns, more pervasive than philosophy:
Rainbow colored action figures aiming at children in toy stores;
sociopathic gun lobbies;
leftover Klan hate;
television violence babysitting latchkey kids.

A culture more comfortable defending violence
than discussing its implications with their own children.

We do not need to show mercy to
government, the media, gun factories, institutions, or laws.
They are not human,
They should be evaluated, censured, vilified–
destroyed if necessary, when they cause pain and death.

We only have to forgive two young boys
ensnared in our web of catastrophe.

And as for the adults involved–
parents, teachers, judges, lobbyists,
we can learn from them, preach to them, argue with them,
blame them,
before we give them their due:

Forgiveness, yes.
But, judgment, too.

by Kimberly Wilder

Get AERO Gear and Help Spread the Word

AERO has put together this store of AERO merchandise. AERO only makes a few dollars, in some cases only one, but it does help spread the word. On numerous occasions I have had conversations because of an AERO item I was wearing or had on me.  

If you want to make sure you have the items you're interested in, order soon as it takes 3-4 weeks start to finish. PB
We now have over 30 AERO items, including many new ones
You can see them all and order HERE

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