Quote of the Month:

Let gratitude be the pillow upon
which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.
Maya Angelou

Interrupt worry with gratitude.
Spiritual Awakenings
From the Acupuncture & Wellness Team
Online Booking is now available! 

The season is changing and school is back in session...mostly! Whether you're a teacher, student, parent, or administrator; an acupuncture session could be just what you need. Acupuncture can strengthen the immune system, relieve stress, or even boost energy levels during these challenging times.  

For your convenience we have turned on our online booking and remain committed to keeping our patients, staff and community healthy. Our office continues to follow COVID 19 protocols including wearing masks at all times during your visit, social distancing, temperature checks and maintaining proper hygiene. We ask that if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID 19 that you continue to follow CDC guidelines by isolating for 14 days and then getting tested prior to coming in for any treatments. Please remember to call the office when you get to the parking lot for your appointment so we can make sure the reception area is clear. Our full protocols can be viewed  here . Telehealth video services are also available. Contact us for more information.

Acupuncture & Wellness Center is committed to being a sacred space of healing where all are welcome. We share this newsletter to support you in your journey of fostering balance and peace of mind.

For current patients, click here to book an appointment online. If you are a new patient seeking services please call the office at (443) 219-1220.
The Season of Harvest
Autumn reminds us that flexibility and adaptability are crucial for staying healthy and balanced during the winter months ahead. During this time you will want to prepare for the challenges of winter by completing unfinished projects, clearing away clutter and debris, setting extra food and fuel aside, and making sure that you are physically and emotionally prepared for the cold, dark months to come.

The Metal Element
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, autumn is the season of the Metal element. Metal reflects our core issues, the most refined part of ourselves; an analogy is that of ore found deep within a mountain. Our core issues are those dealing with existential reality, with questions such as, “Who am I?” “What is my lifework?” “What remains constant in a forever changing world?” People who have an affinity to the Metal element are drawn to examine these core issues, essential structures, and the guiding principles of life. Even if we do not personally have a particular affinity to Metal, during autumn, the season of Metal, we are all called to deal with these core issues.

The energy connected with Metal is drawn to beauty, pleased with symmetry, and inspired by purity. Because we are taken with the purity and beauty all around us, we are more highly attuned and sensitive to our surroundings. We are more concerned with deeper issues, and small talk becomes annoying. The majestic, snow-capped mountain is the image that best captures the power of Metal; it is broad-based and firmly grounded in the earth, but reaches with power and authority toward the heavens.

As with all the elements, each comes with its own set of affinities, which give us information on how best to support ourselves during this season.

The emotion connected with Metal is grief or sadness. In autumn we are saying farewell to the abundance of summer and preparing for the reflective time that is to come. Metal connects us with the ability to let go of the past and create the space for the new.

The direction connected with Metal is the West, reflecting the setting sun. The sound associated with Metal is weeping; the color is white. When a person appears whitish around the mouth or eyes, it usually reflects an imbalance in this element. The flavor of Metal is spicy or pungent, and the climate is dry; the sense organ and sense that reflects Metal is the nose and smell. See the chart below.

The organs connected with the Metal element are the Lungs and the Large Intestine, which reflect the spiritual nature of the season, the letting go and receiving. It is common for people to be more vulnerable to colds, bronchial infection and allergies in the cooler days of autumn. The pollens and mold in the air, as well as the cold winds of autumn, stress our immune reserves, making it a good time to support the immune system with some herbs and supplements. Both organs have large surface area and so we can absorb life sustaining energy through oxygen or nutrients and eliminate waste products through exhalation and bowel movements. We know that about 70% of our immune system is in our gut and if working well, we can avoid getting sick, especially in our upper respiratory or Lung area.   

The Lungs
The Lungs are the organs of respiration, responsible for supplying oxygenated blood to every organ of the body and eliminating the waste matter from the cells through our expiration. The word used for breathing in is “inspiration,” which is the main function of the Lung, both physically and spiritually. To be properly “inspired,” we must create space by getting the old stale air out, along with old, preconceived notions of reality.

In emotional and spiritual terms, the Lungs balance the ability to yield and demand, give and take, hold on and let go. When the Lung (Metal) energy is out of balance, order and discipline are rigidly maintained, the emotions are kept under tight control, rules and routines become inflexible, and the body begins to stiffen up. Physically we are more prone to bronchial infections and sinusitis. Our allergies are amplified and issues like asthma and heaviness of the chest can appear.

The Large Intestine
At first glance, the Lungs and the Large Intestine seem to have little in common with each other, as one is involved with respiration and the other with digestion. But Traditional Chinese Medicine views things energetically rather then purely physically. The bowel is the organ of elimination and is responsible for helping the body eliminate waste. Only when the body is cleansed of toxic matter can it receive the more refined energy brought in by its partner, the Lung.

Within the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Large Intestine is responsible for making distinctions between harmless and harmful elements, and it discriminates between the nutrients the body needs and those it must eliminate. Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, flatulence, and abdominal pain, all reflect problems with the function of the Large Intestine.

Things to do to keep lungs and intestine healthy during fall

Breathe deeply
Let go of negativity
Walk outside
Reorganize, clean and donate

Healthy Foods for Fall

Garlic Sweet Potato Ginger Onion
Cabbage Pears Walnuts Black Pepper
Radish Rice Chili Cinnamon
Cardamom Leeks Miso Navy Beans
Soy Beans Almonds Asparagus Brocoli
Cucumber Celery Mustard Greens Apricot
Banana Egg Sour dough bread Sauerkraut
Olives Pickles Vinegar Cheese
Yoghurt Lemons Limes Grapefruit
Apples Plums Grapes

The Gift of Health Resources
Immune Help for Cold and Flu Season
A healthy immune system is the best line of defense — so it’s important that we do whatever we can to support it. While there is never one solution, here are the top four products that Licensed Acupuncturists and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners often recommend to help support their patients' natural immune response.

Gaia Herbs
Black Elderberry Syrup

Gaia Herb's Certified USDA Organic syrup is made with only organic Elderberries, fresh-pressed shortly after harvest, and it concentrates the juice from 14.5 grams of Elderberries into a single teaspoon.*

Host Defense
MyCommunity® Capsules
Supports resistance to cellular assaults*. Unique combination of mushroom mycelium and fruitbodies, providing a diverse range of constituents to help balance the immune system*

Herb Pharm
Black Elderberry Alcohol-Free
Herb Pharm prepares Black Elderberry Glycerite from the ripe berries of Certified Organic Sambucus nigra trees.*

Nature's Way
Sambucus Gummies Elderberry

Made with Black elderberry extract standardized to BioActives® (flavonoids), vitamin C, and zinc – and they taste great too!*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Also, Elderberry is not recommended for anyone with any thyroid issue


Back to School Immune Support
A successful school year requires a strong immune system. Kids will benefit from a strong foundation with omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and targeted nutrients such as A, C, D3 and zinc.

When preparing for the journey back to school, consider these three key lifestyle areas:

1. Sleep—Getting enough sleep is critical for the immune system. It is recommended that school-age children get nine hours of sleep each night.

2. Nutrition—A colorful diet that features lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, avoiding processed and “fast” foods is better for the immune system.

3. Physical activity—Exercise has been shown to support immunity and is good for a kid’s body, mind and emotional health.

Preparing for the back to school adventure is a bigger deal for kids than we might realize. Counseling parents and kids on the benefits of immune system support can contribute to another successful school year.

Full article at:
Is One of Our Herbal Products
Right For You?
All of our practitioners are trained in Herbal Supplements and Nutrition. Ask them if one of our Health Concerns Traditional Chinese Medicine Supplements is right for you at your next appointment!

Seasonal allergies, Hay fever, and Asthma 

Cold Away: Treats cold and flu, addresses fever, sinus and chest congestion, coughing, headache, sore throat, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis. In TCM clears wind heat and addresses phlegm and cough.

Xanthium Relieve Surface: Treats allergic reactions, allergic rhinitis, sinus congestion, sinus headaches, chronic aching muscles. Also treats various itching skin rashes and stuffy or runny nose. In TCM clears surface wind heat and cools heat and dispels wind-dampness.

There are many other remedies such as Isatis Gold and Clear Air.

Ask your practitioner at your next appointment.

Essential Oils: Wyndmere Naturals Synergistic Blends for immune and respiratory support.

Immune Support - Help support a healthy immune system with this blend of Lemon, Peppermint, Niaouli, Pine, Thyme, and Patchouli pure essential oils. 

Breathe Blend - Basil, Niaouli, Eucalyptus, Pine, Rosemary, Lavender, and Cedarwood essential oils are traditionally used to help support healthy respiratory and immune systems. 

Anxiety Release- Orange, Lavender, Clary Sage, Geranium, Vetiver, and Roman Chamomile essential oils are traditionally thought to help promote a sense of inner peace and harmony while easing nervousness, irritability and apprehension.
Jackie's Corner
The Magic of Fiber For Divine Digestion 

As we strive to follow a healthy nutrition plan, keeping an eye on the amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats you eat is always a top concern, but let’s not forget about fiber. Fiber is the unsung hero of good nutrition and especially of our digestive system. It’s magical and here’s why. Having the necessary amount in your daily meals can help lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar, support weight loss and keep your digestion and elimination working smoothly. It can also help to lower your chances of getting colon cancer by keeping your intestines “well-scrubbed.” Some fiber, like onions and bananas are considered a prebiotic and help to feed the good bacteria that live in your intestines. Where do you find fiber? It is in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and grains. It is in the skin, seeds, and pulp of whole foods. Fiber is not easily digested by the body, so it creates bulk in your colon and this can help keep you regular…and who doesn’t love to be regular? The best way to increase fiber in your diet is to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes (beans). Adding fiber to your favorite recipes can be as easy as sneaking beans into your stuffed peppers or whisking oatmeal into your baked goods. Aim for 25 grams for women, or 21 grams if over 50 years old and 38 grams for men, or 30 grams if over 50. Whole foods are the best natural source of fiber, but supplements are an option as well. When adding more fiber to your diet, it is best to increase your intake a little at a time to avoid diarrhea, gas, and intestinal discomfort. It is also essential to increase your water intake so constipation does not become an issue. Always check with your doctor before making dietary changes especially if you have any bowel issues. 
Recipe of the Month

This creamy soup flavored with sweet potatoes
is enhanced with tumeric, cinnamon and ginger
to turn it into an immune booster.