Parshat Toldot | Candle Lighting Times: Friday, Nov 5th @ 5:48pm (Earliest 5:03pm) | Havdalah: Saturday, Nov 6th @ 6:46pm
Short Vort: The Great Jewish Parent
We all have cognitive biases that influence our judgements and beliefs. Yet, some are more troubling than others.

On the surface Yitzcak's favouritism for his son Esav seems disturbing. The Torah attributes his deep love for Eisav to the fact that he was "Tzayid Be'fiv" - a hunter in his mouth" (25:28). Could not Yitzchak see who Eisav was? Why was he attracted to something that seems so base and superficial?

Rashi quotes the tradition that this refers to Esav's cunning ability to "hunt with his mouth'' and use his words to ensnare and deceive his father.

Other approaches see Yitzchak's approach as a paradigm of parenthood. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z'l commented that Yitzchak taught us that parents need to shower children at risk with more unconditional love, not less. Yitzchak may have also wanted to teach Eisav how to sublimate his character and channel his strengths as a hunter into a more noble and holy pursuit.

An additional perspective I read, Yitzchak simply took interest in what Eisav did. He made hunting important in his life which facilitated the creation of a loving relationship between father and son. That became the bedrock to create and foster the father-son relationship.

Relationships often get muddled by distractions of the moment. Yitzchak teaches us that our true bedrock is unconditional love.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Daniel Green
Kiddush this week is sponsored by Eden & Merlyn Sehayek in honour of Eden’s retirement.

Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Rabbi Aaron & Leslie Selevan.

Mazel Tov to Rachel and Michael Bernholtz on the birth of their baby boy. Brother to Neoma Rivka and Yosef Gedaliah.

The unveiling for Arnold Rose will be held on Sunday, Nov. 14 at 12pm at Temple Anshe Shalom Cemetery, 427 Limeridge Rd. E., Hamilton.
Candle Lighting & Service Times
 Friday, Nov. 5th @ 5:48pm
(Earliest 5:03pm)
Havdalah Saturday, Nov. 6th @ 6:46pm

Friday Evening, Nov. 5th
5:45pm at Adas
Saturday, Nov. 6th
Morning 9:00am (Kiddush 10:45am)
Afternoon 5:40pm (at Adas)
Followed by Seudah Shlishit
Weekday Services
Sunday: 8:30am, Mon-Fri: 7:15am
Evenings: 4:45pm
In compliance with recent lockdown protocols, please self-screen prior to attending. Guidelines at Please do not self-screen ONLINE on Shabbat.
As mandated by the Province of Ontario, all catered indoor events require proof of vaccination for those who are eligible (ages 12 and up) prior to attendance. Proof of vaccination includes proof of double vaccine and legal ID.

Proof of vaccination will be required for indoor Kiddush & events. This information will not be shared or disclosed. This process needs to be completed once and a list will be developed for future events.
Zoom In!
Classes & Services
Shabbat @ 11:00 am
with Adalia Schweitzer (at the Adas)
Sunday @ 9:15 am
Live with Len Kofman
Sunday @ 10:00 am
with R. Aaron Selevan
Tuesday @ 7:30 pm
with Rabbi Daniel Green
Tuesday at 9:00 pm Talmud with R. Chanan Weiser (men's class)
Wednesday @ 8:00 pm
Parsha Bytes with Leslie Selevan
Thursday @ 10:00 pm
with R. Aaron Selevan
Passcode "adas"
LIVE weekday, ALSO broadcast on Zoom!
(Meeting code 686871756, Password 038516)
New Class! Laws of Shabbat With Rabbi Daniel Green
Tuesdays @ 7:30pm | In person & on Zoom
Shabbat Child Care
  • Nursery to SK (Ages 3-6) in SK Room across from library (masks optional)
  • Gr. 1-4 in HHA Library (masks required)
Youth Minyan
(Gr. 5-8) In Small Shul
Bar Mitzvah (Group 1): Sundays @ 12:45am
Bar Mitzvah (Group 2): Tuesdays @ 7:45pm
Bat Mitzvah Club: Tuesdays @ 7:30pm
Teen Events This Week!
Monday at 10:30am
Fill your own mug and Zoom in on your phone or computer
Or call (646) 876-9923 (Meeting ID: 459666235. Password: 037335)
3-Week Ceramics Workshop: Make a Heart Give a Heart   
with international artist and designer Marla Buck. Sponsored by JCC Hamilton. Proceeds to benefit the Hamilton Kosher Food Bank. Sundays November 7, 14 and 21 at JHamilton 10am - 12pm. Click here for details & to register.
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125 Cline Avenue South | Hamilton, ON L8S 1X2 | 905.528.0039 |