Short Vort: Appreciating Everyday Greatness

Everyday life is often seen as a force that obstructs our ability to see the big picture. In reality it is our portal to a deeper appreciation of the greatness of life. It is no coincidence that immediately prior to the Sinai experience, a moment in time where we understood the big picture, we are told a very human story. A story of a man reunited with his wife, his children, and his father-in-law. The Torah details their names and relationships, how they greeted one another, how they kissed, and how they were reunified. That man was Moshe. 

As this angelic man was about to ascend the mountain of God, the Torah emphasizes the importance of his family and the love that they felt for one another. The heavens were about to thunder, and the entire course of world history was about to change, but first we are told to appreciate the greatness of everyday life and those we love.

Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Daniel Green