Sunday, December 15

Final Line Up & Parade Route

See the following information to determine your line-up number and placement. The route will have entries beginning on Lafayette St. behind the

 Chamber building, facing north. Each additional block shown on your

map will have entries facing Lafayette.

Please be in your position no later than 5:00 p.m. You may deliver your entry as early as 3:30 p.m., if desired. Numbers will line the streets designating your spot. Please do not block driveways. The Chamber is not responsible for unattended vehicles/floats. The parade will roll at 6 p.m.

Reminder that you may NOT throw candy from your float,

but walkers may HAND OUT candy.

Keep a steady pace to avoid any gaps in the route, and remember to briefly pause in front of the judges, located in front of the NORTH steps of the historic courthouse. Each entry will be given a number to place on their vehicle for judging.

We can't wait to see you!

WOL Parade Packet: Line-up, Map, Route 2024
Weather Updates

Greater Marshall Chamber of Commerce

110 S. Bolivar St., Ste 101


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