CIDP Newsletter
October 2017
Many development finance institutions (DFIs) now face the requirement to report not only financial return on investments, but how their investments satisfy or create additionality. As Canada operationalizes the new DFI, it has an opportunity to set terms for measuring the additionality of its investments, and examine other key questions: Should DFI success be measured in terms of the type and amount of additionality it achieves? Should traditional concessional ODA be coupled with DFI financing in pursuit of additionality, and what are the trade-offs?
USD$81.1 billion was mobilized from the private sector by official development finance interventions from 2012-15. Private sector involvement—as a source of mobilization, leverage, know-how, and partner in service delivery, job creation, economic growth and development—will only increase in importance, which is why the DAC is working to include it within its main statistical system.
As climate change impacts increase the frequency and severity of natural disasters, Canada faces difficult choices about how to balance reactive and proactive humanitarian aid. In 2015, Canada's contribution disaster risk reduction (DRR) comprised about 1% of humanitarian aid, significantly lower than the DAC average.
Aniket Bhushan, Lead Analyst and Principal Investigator ( CIDP), joins Policy Talks to discuss the importance of evidence-based policy, emerging trends in global development and Canada’s role in shaping the future of international development.

Image Source: Policy Talks
Canada’s desire to focus its international assistance on sub-Saharan Africa is clearly well aligned with needs. Canada’s bilateral aid has already trended towards SSA over the last 15 years. SSA’s share of Canadian ODA increased from under 30% in 2001 to a peak of 52.7% in 2013, i.e. already surpassing the 'new' FIAP target of 50%. Given what we know about trends in the geography of global poverty, is the FIAP target truly meaningful?
CIDP submission and remarks on Canada’s Development Finance Institution prepared for the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development (FAAE).
CIDP's latest report highlights key messages in areas that resonate strongly with Canada’s new strategy.
Brookings Institution , September 28, 2017
CIDP leverages open data and big data to provide a comprehensive picture of Canada's engagement with developing countries.
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