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At the Forefront of a Post-COVID-19 World

COVID-19 has sparked a greater need for mental health care—and mental health practitioners and scholars. Adelphi is at the forefront with three prestigious mental health-focused programs, including two at our renowned Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology and one at the College of Nursing and Public Health that prepares nurses for advanced practice in caring for body and mind.
Leading in Personalization 

We are deeply committed to supporting our students’ individual paths to success. Sometimes that can mean personalizing their course of study from across our 200-plus academic areas. Meet an extraordinary example: Taro Jones 20, a gifted dancer and star chemist. 
Increase in Campus Pride Rankings

Adelphi is a safe, welcoming and inclusive home for all, and the Campus Pride Index recognizes our unwavering commitment to our LGBTQ+ community. Our stars continue to climb ever closer to 100 percent. We are very proud.
Thank You for a Record-Breaking Giving Day

On One Day to Give 2021, we raised $271,084 from 1,523 generous donors—76 percent more dollars than in 2019 and over 60 percent more donors. Adelphi is grateful for your generous commitment to our students and support for our continued mission.
Adelphi is making local, national and global news. Here are some recent media highlights:

“This is a global example of what's called re-entry after trauma. The pandemic is a traumatic event. It becomes a very anxiety-producing moment in the life of a survivor, when they return to normal.”  
Deborah Serani, PsyD, senior adjunct faculty member in the Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology, on NBC’s Today show news site.
Let’s stay in touch
I love sharing news about Adelphi. But even better is hearing from you. Reach out to me at [email protected].

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Follow Georgia the bulldog @georgiariordan
In 2015, Dr. Riordan became Adelphi’s 10th and first woman president. Learn more about her at adelphi.edu/president. An internationally known expert and speaker on leadership, diversity and inclusion, and career success, she is authoring a book, Shift Happens: How to Adapt and Thrive in a Rapidly Changing World of Work. For more information on her research, visit christineriordan.com.