
Adios Maya 2022: Monday, Pi Day

Playa Bucerias is so peaceful early in the morning.

Mo woke up to the news that her dog, Maya’s, condition continued to rapidly deteriorate. Mo’s sister, Kack, took Maya to the vet for her final journey. Mo was devasted.

With heavy hearts, we all walked Bucerias’ mile-long beach to Karen’s Beach Restaurant for breakfast. Before being served, Mo and Grace participated in a FaceTime call with Kack, at the vet's office, and her other two adult kids. Through technology, the family attended Maya’s passing. It was touching in spite of the circumstances.

Breakfast at Karen’s normally is a no-brainer. I guess, due to the situation, it was kind of fitting that this morning’s breakfast was sub-par. Things did pick up after that.

Outdoor seating at Karen’s beach restaurant.

Karen’s bar.

Sound advice from Karen’s.

More advice from Karen’s.

We walked to Farmacia Guadalajara, the biggest and best pharmacy in the area, to pick up Symbicort inhalers for Kack’s husband, Aaron. Symbicort costs $280 in the US for a 120 dose inhaler. In Mexico, it retails for 1099 pesos ($55 US) for a 60 dose inhaler. That would be equivalent to $110 US for 120 doses. However, Farmacia Guadalajara discounts their inhalers down to 746 pesos ($37.50 US), making 120 doses less than $80 US. That’s a savings of $200 US.

Today, Mo and Grace had dentist appointments at Dentoamerica. Mo had a tiny chip in a tooth that needed to be smoothed. Grace wanted cleaning and whitening. Again, back in the US, Mo was quoted $200 for her chip repair. Dentoamerica charged $40 US. Grace was charged $110 US for her whitening. Mo stated that she heard from a friend that cleaning and whitening cost $400 US back home. We couldn’t confirm that but I wouldn’t doubt it.

It was 1:45 pm when we left the dentist office. We decided to run into Puerto Vallarta to kill the rest of the afternoon. This time, we took the Centro bus from the Zona Hotelera to Zona Romantica. The Centro bus dropped us off at the beginning of the pleasant ocean walk.

The ocean walk in Puerto Vallarta. This is a pleasant walk with the cool ocean breeze.

The following photos are of the shops, resorts, and sculptures along the ocean walk.

After a short bout of zig-zagging around downtown Puerto, Wanda dug up what turned out to be an affordable beach bar with umbrellas, tables, and chairs. Pacificos were only 30 pesos and the margaritas were 85 pesos. We lounged away the rest of the afternoon soaking up the sun while being serenaded by the gentle breaking of the waves. Mo told stories of how Maya had gotten her through many trials and tribulations.

Enjoying Puerto’s beach.

We returned to Bucerias to dine at Los Pericos for the best meal of Mo and Grace’s trip so far. We topped off the evening with a quick side trip to El Coyel Licoreria to but a bottle of Compadre tequilla for 70 pesos ($3.50 US). Compadre is insanely and surprisingly good considering the price. (Thanks Teri for that tip.) Mixed with Jumex Mango juice made a nice nightcap.

Dave and Wanda

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