The KHCA AIT Program consists of 480 clock hours. These hours are time spent in an adult care setting learning all facets of the Administrator’s role. The KHCA AIT program is based on the National Association of Boards (NAB) of Adult Care Home Administrators training materials. NAB is the association that develops the national examination.
Education Requirement: The education requirement for Kansas licensure is a minimum of a baccalaureate degree. This degree can be in any field, it does not have to be in healthcare.
Preceptor: In KHCA’s program you will be under the supervision of an experienced Administrator (Preceptor), and he/she will help guide you through the process of working within each department in the facility to understand the tasks and responsibilities in each area. You must complete your practicum at the preceptor’s facility.
Weekly Check-In’s: KHCA Staff will check in with you weekly to make sure that everything’s going well. This service will be provided while you’re enrolled in the program.
AIT Tuesday’s: In addition to receiving help from your Preceptor, we will provide you with an experienced administrator that’s on call every Tuesday. They will be there for you to ask them any questions that may come up during your practicum. This service will be provided while you’re enrolled in the program for up to a year from your enrollment date.
Quarterly Examination Preparedness Seminar in Topeka: Steve Hatlestad will be there to guide you through any questions you might have about the State or the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrators Boards (NAB) exams. This course is there to prepare you for those exams and to prepare you to become the best Administrator you can be. At the end of your day you will get the opportunity to meet and learn from the state agencies that you will be working closely with as an Administrator, like KDADS, Kansas Long-Term Care Ombudsman, Office of the Fire Marshal, KHCA Consultants and KHCA Members and Team members from KDADS Health Occupations Credentialing.
Questions? Email Teresa Keating at