What's Happening
(and What's Not Happening)
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Look for the collection containers. | |
The LifeLight Bible Study will resume in January, 2023. The leaders of LifeLight strongly feel that many will want to participate in the Fall Bible Studies being offered.
The 2023 LifeLight studies will consist of two 9-week classes before the summer break. The first class will be “Galatians, Philippians, Colossians” and the second class will be “Daniel.” More info as the time nears.
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SEPTEMBER - North County Emergency Outreach Network (NCEON)
Look for the table in the overflow area
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Prepare for Worship
Sept 4
No Service on Labor Day, Monday, Sept 5
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Worship Music
All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Lord Of Glory You Have Bought Us
Wonderful Merciful Savior
He Is Exalted
Philemon 1-21
Luke 14:25-35
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Altar Flowers
Dedicated to the
Glory of God by
Jerry & Sue Hayward
in Celebration of their
34th Wedding Anniversary
Verna Biggs
for her son,
Mike's Birthday
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Altar Flower Sponsors Needed | |
If both bouquets are sponsored, we can maintain the cost at the current rate, or slightly higher.
Dedication spots are open for
September 25 and every week thru December 11.
Get 'em while they're still $25
See Flower Dedication Envelope in Narthex, or contact the Church Office at churchoffice@stpaulsgb.org
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Raise the Roof
To Date $33,076
Goal $65,000
Attained 51%
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August 2023 | Offerings |
| Actual | Needs | Net | $ 73,450 | $ 60,000 | $ 13,450 | | |
Apple Awards 2022-2023
Coral Shreve
Teacher of the Year
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ISO Soccer Coach
No Experience Needed
St Paul's Athletics Program needs an adult volunteer for Soccer. You do not need coaching experience or a soccer background. The practices are on Tuesday's and Thursday's from 3:30-5pm at our field. Contact our Athletic Director, Ms. Diepen, at ldiepen@stpaulsgb.org. You will need to be background checked.
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The family has made the decision to bring Brenna home and enjoy every moment until God calls her home. Please keep everyone in your prayers. You can still help by providing a meal. DETAILS HERE | |
Substitute Teachers Needed | |
Substitute teachers are always needed. If you or someone you know is interested in subbing at St. Paul's, please contact the principal, John Maxwell, jmaxwell@stpaulsgb.org for more information.
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Prayers of the Church & School | |
God's Healing for Brenna Corcoran, Samuel Dominguez, William & Beth Mathes, Audrey, Rose, Mary, Bobbi, Randy, Brad, Matt Heyan, Ron, John
God's Protection for the Ukrainian Refugees & Children.
God's Clear Guidance for our New Pastor and the Call Process
God's Provision for a safe and successful school year
September Mission of the Month: NCEON (North County Emergency Outreach Network)
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Remember Our Homebound
in your prayers, with a card or phone call
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Bill Critzman, June Danza, Patricia Harrington, Margot Hoffman, Russ & Audrey Jurmu, Vicki Kassebaum, Jacqueline Keys, Debbie Kraft, Joanna Martlock, Roger & Grace Marquis, Clyde & Terry Merritt, (Edith) Fern Muller, Betty Russell, Linda Taltavull.
Homebound September Birthdays
Send a card or give them a phone call
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Roger Marquis
361 Mae Road
Glen Burnie, MD 21061-4694
Roger Bday: 9/11
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Joanna Martlock
1628 Pleasantville Dr.
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Bday 9/21
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Ministry Staff
Pastor David Maack (cell: 443-333-8841) pastor@stpaulsgb.org
Pastoral Assistant Randy Gast (cell: 443-876-6707) pastor@stpaulsgb.org
Brian Sternecker, (336-480-1885) bsternecker@stpaulsgb.org
Leah Sulonen, Music Minister (cell: 360-620-6945) LSulonen@stpaulsgb.org
DCE Joseph Hope-Hull, Children, Youth & Adult Education (cell: 619-957-7145) Jhopehull@stpaulsgb.org
The Joans 410-766-2283, churchoffice@stpaulsgb.org
Our School:
John Maxwell, Principal (cell: 301-512-3660) jmaxwell@stpaulsgb.org
Coral Shreve, Preschool/BASCC (cell: 443-618-6758) cshreve@stpaulsgb.org
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St. Paul's
Livestream and Website
Guest WIFI: saintp21
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
& School
308 Oak Manor Drive
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: (410) 766-2283
Fax: (410) 766-8758
School: (410) 766-5790
BASCC: (410) 766-0591
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