Are you an adult baptized Catholic who HAS received the sacrament of first holy communion but has not yet been confirmed? A class is forming and will begin on June 28, 2022 to guide adults ages 18-99 in preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. This program will include five classes and a half-day Saturday retreat prior to Confirmation. The classes will be held on Tuesday evenings, in -person, from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Lisa Nueslein, parish Director of Religious Education and Adult Faith Formation, will be leading the classes.
Click HERE to view the full schedule.
Who should consider this class? This class is appropriate for anyone, 18 or older, who is a baptized and practicing Catholic, who has already received the sacrament of Holy Communion.
Confirmation will be celebrated here at St. Paul parish in September of 2022 (either Sept. 8, 10 or 11). We are waiting for the Archdiocese to assign a date to us. Those persons who fully fully participate in this summer Confirmation preparation program and desire to be confirmed may be presented to the Bishop when he is here in September. Participants should plan to participate in all sessions, particularly the retreat, to be ready to be presented to the Bishop in the fall.
Want to learn more? Contact Lisa Nueslein at
There will be an information session on Wed., May 25, 2022 in the parish center at 7:00 p.m. You may register for the class that night, or by completing the form below.
Register for the class by completing this
form. Email the completed form to
What if you are not Catholic? Or are an unbaptized person? Or are a baptized Catholic who has not received first holy communion? Contact Lisa Nueslein to discuss the most appropriate way to continue your sacramental journey. Our fall Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) class is the most appropriate way to prepare persons to receive multiple sacraments. Lisa can enroll you now for the RCIA class that will start in the fall.