Church of the Holy Comforter | Vienna, VA

Adult Faith Formation at Holy Comforter is offered in a myriad of ways! Check out opportunities coming this fall.

BEING WITH in 2024

8 Tuesdays on Zoom (7:15–8.30 p.m.) Sept. 17, 24; Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; and Nov. 12

Learn from the Bible (and David Brooks) about being with others in a deep way. This program has the same structure as Being With 2023 (short presentations by clergy followed by facilitated small group discussions). The focus this time is on Jesus’ call for us to see ourselves and each other with eyes of love, despite these polarized times. This series is inspired by the book How to Know a Person, by longtime New York Times columnist and PBS commentator David Brooks. Register HERE.

Bible Study on the Letter of James

5 Thursday Nights (7–8:15 p.m.) Sept. 19, 26; Oct. 3, 10, and 17

Join parishioner Anna Wallich on Zoom for an in-depth study of the Book of James. Register HERE.

Gestalt Soul Care Course

4 Saturdays (9 a.m.–5 p.m.) Oct. 5, 12, 19, and 26

Parishioner and Gestalt Soul Care Mentor, Alexandra MacCracken leads an in-person intensive course in Gestalt Soul Care. Learn powerful tools and approaches as you are also achieving your own inner healing and growth work! Contact Alexandra for more information and to register.

Listening Hearts Training for Discerners

4 Saturdays (10 a.m.–2 p.m.) Oct. 26; Nov. 2, 9, and 23

This 4-part training is for those who feel the call to assist people seeking God’s guidance in making decisions through the Listening Heart Discernment process. Sessions are in person at the church. For more information and to register, contact Frances Sullinger

Wellness Circles

Examine your life using the Living Compass curriculum. Areas of focus are Care of Body, Stress, Vocation, Organization, Rest and Play, Spirituality, Emotions, and Relationships. A reprise of last year’s well-received groups—one for mid-lifers and the other for later-life participants.

Wellness Circle for Grown-Ups in the Middle - Led by parishioner Nicole Seevers for 6 Wednesday evenings on Zoom (7–8.15 p.m.) Oct. 16, 23, 30; Nov. 6, 13, and 20. Register HERE.

Wellness Circle for Later Life - In-person gatherings at the church led by parishioner Pamela Rosenthal on 6 Thursdays (Noon–1 p.m.) Oct. 31; Nov. 7, 14, 21; Dec. 5, 12. Register HERE.

Adult Sunday Bible Study

Every Sunday at 11:15 a.m.; Oct. 6–Dec. 8


Join us in the Chapel after Sunday services to discuss Bible readings from the Lectionary, using the “Feasting on the Word” curriculum. This is a drop-in class—come to one, come to all! No registration required.

Advent Quiet Morning

Dec. 14; 9 a.m.–Noon


Spend a peaceful morning preparing your heart for Christmas. Like last year, this program with be co-hosted with Contemplative Outreach of Northern Virginia.