September, 2023 | Office of the President & Chief Research Officer

Stanley Manne Children's Research Institute President's Message

Advancing Translational Science Through the

NUCATS-Manne Research Institute Collaboration

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Our collaborative partnership with Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine serves as a cornerstone for both interdisciplinary research and advanced pediatric medicine. As full-time faculty members of Feinberg School, our investigators are privileged to have access to an array of cutting-edge research resources. Among these is the Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences (NUCATS) Institute, which is generously funded by a Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) grant from the National Institutes of Health. The CTSA program aims to accelerate the translation of laboratory discoveries into improved patient outcomes, and our engagement brings a critical pediatric lens to this initiative. Our unique position allows us to enrich the translational research landscape by incorporating pediatric-specific challenges and opportunities, thereby making the CTSA program more comprehensive and equitable. This month, I will spotlight how Todd Florin, MD, MSCE, has leveraged the resources offered by NUCATS to fortify his grant proposal. Additionally, I will share insights from our colleague Richard D’Aquila, MD, Director of NUCATS, on how our specialized contributions are amplifying the potential and efficacy of the NUCATS-Manne Research Institute collaboration.

Todd (photo, right), an investigator in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, recently harnessed the power of the NUCATS grant development studio consultation service in crafting a compelling and successful R34 clinical trials planning grant proposal. This unique service assembles a multidisciplinary group of researchers from across the spectrum of clinical and translational science to critically assess an investigator’s proposal plans, offering invaluable feedback and facilitating connections with existing research resources. Through this collaborative process, Todd not only refined the scientific rigor of his proposal but also gained access to a network of resources both locally and nationally. His engagement with NUCATS was a key factor in securing funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. As a result, he is currently in the advanced stages of developing a large-scale clinical trial, which is a direct extension of the pilot study funded by the initial grant. 

Rich (photo, left) notes how NUCATS has long relied on the expertise of our researchers to prioritize the healthcare needs of children. Susanna McColley, MD, leads a NUCATS training program that leverages biomedical engineering for pediatric innovations, while Juan Espinoza, MD, is supporting NUCATS’s informatic explorations that include areas such as pediatric device innovation and social determinants of health. Our researchers have also contributed input to NUCATS’s proposed initiatives, including translational workforce development and ethical and equitable research, as Rich and his team prepared their recently submitted application for the next phase of NUCATS’s funding as a CTSA hub. Todd also contributed to the NUCATS proposal by taking on a role that is a new one on the NUCATS team. In his new role on the NUCATS Hub Liaison team, Todd aims to bring more of our researchers to the table to share their perspectives on pediatric research with NUCATS and the national CTSA network. Rich recognizes that our researchers’ talent, knowledge, and scientific discoveries are key to the future successes of NUCATS: “Manne Research Institute strongly contributed to a robust and competitive proposal, invigorating our already-proven potential for jointly making groundbreaking advances in translational science.”

In the future, we’ll share information about additional resources for our research teams and our expanding collaboration with Northwestern University and NUCATS. Our Research Navigation team is ready to guide you on how to access NUCATS resources. Please visit the research navigation page on the Manne Research Institute website or contact the team by completing a research navigation request form

With kindness and respect,


Patrick C. Seed, MD, PhD, FAAP, FIDSA
President & Chief Research Officer
Stanley Manne Children’s Research Institute
Children's Research Fund Chair in Basic Science
Director, Host - Microbial Interactions, Inflammation, and Immunity (HMI3) Program
Professor of Pediatrics, Microbiology & Immunology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
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