CHC Council for Homeopathic Certification Communique Logo for Monthly Newsletter
November 2022
Advancing the Homeopathic Profession Together
Stand Up for Homeopathy
The mission and purpose of the Council for Homeopathic Certification (CHC) is to advance the homeopathic profession by certifying individuals who meet and maintain a recognized standard of professional and ethical competence in classical homeopathy (that's you!) and to assist the public in choosing appropriately qualified homeopaths.
The CHC is a non-profit certifying organization who, like you and the rest of our homeopathic community, envisions a healthcare system that encompasses certified classical homeopathic practitioners to be accessible to all.
Join Us in Congratulating the Candidates who Passed
the CHC Exam in 2022
Jonatha Kavner
Marina Kostandinovic
Felipe Flores Macias
Khyati Mandge
Killie Mox Richards
Gabriela Reyes
Yehuda Schrader
Jyoti Sondhi
Aaron Stiner
Azadeh Stoelken
Yvonne Sugimoto
Anna Balazy
Debra Bluth
Kaylee Braz
Christina Cartin
Michelle Draghetti
Pamela Hansen
Mara Koch
Cynthia Rosenberg
Tova Sebaoun
Vani Sistla
Leanne Wasilewski
Together we can stand up for homeopathy and continue moving our profession forward! The CHC is here to help you stay on track to earn your Certified Classical Homeopath (CCH) credential. If you would like to become more involved in a micro-volunteer organization who is already invested in your purpose, please consider a donation to the CHC or submitting a request to volunteer.
Thank You!
a2022 Board of Directors
& Committee Volunteers
The CHC meets accreditation standards and projected goals through the hard work and dedication of the CHC Board of Directors and Committee Volunteers. 98% of the CHC is made up of individuals from our homeopathic community who donate their time and skills on special projects in support the homeopathic profession, as well as the Mission, Vision, and Purpose of the CHC.

We are so grateful for your help!
CHC Board of Directors
Jenna Dodge

Assistant Secretary and Item Writing Committee
Tara Framer

Strategic Planning Committee
Susana Galle

Pre-Qualification Evaluation Committee
Beth Goodwin

Reaccreditation Committee
Susan Keefe

CHC School Liaison
Jenny Marks

Public Member
Elaine La Joie

Item Editing Committee
Ilana Meyers

Public Relations Committee
Astaire Roorda

Continued Professional Development Committee
Sheela Porter-Smith

Nomination Committee
Robert Melo

Reimbursement Task Force
Gauravi Hiware

Mike Swain

Sheetal Tiwari
2022 Committee Work Volunteers
Dorothy Simoni
Yashasvi Jhangiani
Magdalena Brenner
Alison Broadley
Nirupama Desai
Richa Eland
Denise Fultz
Jonathan Glosser
Devang Goswami
Laura Hultquist
Yashasvi Jhangiani
Yoshiko Kamiyama
Afreen Kazi
Georgia Koulas
Kavitha Kukunoor

Ann McKay
Vandana Pitke
Becky Rupert
Neepa Sevak
Sri Silva
Dorothy Simoni
Deb Snyder
Teresa Stewart
Sherill Sullivan
Anusha Thiagarajan
Anamika Verma
Vera Volfson
Alexis White
Erica Langston
Victoria Mashevsky

Status of CCH Credential can be active retired lapsed or expired
Recertification Resources
We are here to help!
The instructions in the recertification handbook are designed to simplify the recertification process. If you need additional assistance after reviewing the help resources, you may want to consider booking an appointment for assistance. Appointments are available in 30-minute increments and include screen-sharing and individualized Q&A.
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Stand Up for Homeopathy Get Certified
The CHC MISSION is to advance the homeopathic profession by certifying individuals who meet and maintain a recognized standard of professional and ethical competence in classical homeopathy and to assist the public in choosing appropriately qualified homeopaths. The CHC VISION is a healthcare system that encompasses certified classical homeopathic practitioners accessible by all.

The CHC is a non-profit micro-volunteer organization.