I am happy to be able to share some good news with you today. (Couldn’t we all use a little good news?) Fr. Ricardo Chinchilla, CJM has returned to St. Patrick Parish and will once again serve as Associate Pastor.
Fr. Ric does not need an introduction to many of our parishioners. For the last six years he has served as the Provincial of the Eudist Province of North America and the Philippines. Prior to that assignment, he served here in St. Patrick Parish as our Associate Pastor. A native of Honduras, Fr. Ric has been a Eudist priest since December 12, 1993 (Happy Belated Anniversary).
I am so pleased that Fr. Ric chose to return to St. Patrick’s. We have been without an associate pastor since the departure of Fr. Carlos Valencia, CJM. Our retired priests have stepped up and taken on more responsibility in the interim. I am continually grateful for all that Fr. Bill, Fr. Ben and Fr. Frank do in ministry to our parishioners.
I have known Fr. Ric since he came to the United States as a young priest. He is a man of many talents and his gifts will once again be put to good use here in our parish and in the diocese. I look forward to working side by side with him.
Enjoy a time of reflection and prayer by joining last year’s Advent Service of Lessons and Carols from Trinity College in Cambridge. It is about 1 hour and 20 minutes of excellent music, inspiring Scripture readings and uplifting prayer. The full printed program is also attached so that you can follow along.
This is a good way to get into the Christmas spirit.
All Masses will be outdoors on the covered court of the school
There are no reservations. First come, first seated.
Masks are required and social distancing will be observed.
Please support the parish with your donations which are collected at the entrance
Christmas Flowers
We would like to add some flowers to our worship spaces for the Christmas season. We will place flowers in the church so that it looks festive for our online Masses. We will add some Christmas flowers to our outdoor worship space as well.
If you would like to make a contribution to assist in paying for our Christmas flowers, please place your donation in a plain envelope and write on the envelope the names of anyone you would like remembered at our Christmas Masses. Place your envelope in the collection basket, mail it to the parish office or drop in off. Those names will later be listed in our parish bulletin.
Thank you for your help.
NO PARKING at the New Song Church on Pio Pico Dr. on Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve, AFTER 5:00PM.
YES, you may park in the New Song Church parking lot on Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve ONLY
YES, you may park in the New Song Church parking lot on Friday, December 25, Christmas Day.
NEVER PARK at the Chevron Gas Station or at the
Village Pie Shop next door. They will tow.
PLEASE be mindful of our neighbors and PLEASE BE PATIENT with one another as the parking situation is very tight during the Christmas season.
Thank you!
The Christ Child: A Nativity Story
This unique and moving short movie was produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons). Although their beliefs about Jesus differ from ours as Catholics, I think this production will spark some from fresh thoughts in your mind about what it was like at the first Christmas.
Fr. Ron Speaks about Our Financial Situation
I want to share a few thoughts with you, our parishioners, about the financial situation of our parish as this pandemic drags on. First of all, there is the good news. So many of our parishioners have continued to support the parish with great generosity. Many have started or continued using Online Giving. Many others have mailed in or dropped off their envelopes. And, of course, people still place their offerings in the baskets at the entrance of our worship area. For all of these generous people, I am extremely grateful. Your generosity has enabled us to pay our bills and retain our staff members.
On the other hand, we have been dippinginto our cash reserve funds. Like everyone else, we are struggling financially in these times. Even though many people have continued to be generous, our overall contributions have decreased. Since the initial shutdown in March 2020, our weekly offertory has run a deficit of over $110,000, in a year to year comparison of collections. It is noteworthy that by not having Masses on Easter, we lost $50,000 in income on that weekend alone. We cannot afford to lose out on that much again at Christmas.
I just want to bring this to your attention. If you are doing all that you can for the parish, thank you and God bless you. If you find yourself in a position to donate more at this time, I would greatly appreciate it. There are some tax benefits available if you give before the end of the calendar year. Please read the article below on the CARES Act and Year End Giving.
I feel very blessed to be the pastor of St. Patrick Parish. I feel very affirmed and supported by all of you and your generosity to your Parish. I appreciate all that you do to help our parish continue to be lifegiving and spiritual. I thank you for the time, talent and treasure that you generously offer. May God continue to bless you and your families.
Merry Christmas!
In one Heart,
Fr. Ron
The CARES Act and Year End Giving
The CARES Act of March 2020 has created two new tax benefits for donors to non-profits.
The first change allows individual taxpayers to take a deduction of up to $300 for cash donations made in 2020 when they file their tax return in the spring.
Typically you can deduct charitable donations only if you itemize your personal deductions, rather than taking the standard deduction. Because this deduction can be taken "above the line", it reduces, by up to $300, your adjusted gross income.
The second change lifts the cap on how much a donor can deduct in charitable gifts in a single year. Thus, a donor can fully deduct gifts equal to as much as 100 percent of their AGI this year.
Please consult your tax professional for more information. For ways to make a gift to St. Patrick Church, contact Mary McLain in the Stewardship and Development office: 760,729.0717 or by email- mmclain@stpatrickcarlsbad.com
Mary as a Model of Faith
The popular Catholic spiritual writer, Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, O.M.I., penned an interesting piece some years ago on Mary’s faith as it relates to giving birth to her Son Jesus. He reminds us that giving birth spiritually is a dynamic and creative process. To bring Christ into the world involves an ongoing commitment to growth, to discomfort, to love, and to surrender. It is not for the faint of heart, but it is God’s invitation to all of us. You can read his short reflection which is attached.
Please remember to make your Christmas gift by logging into your Online Giving account and adding Christmas as a gift choice.
For help with forgotten passwords, please contact Online Giving technical support at 800.348.2886, ext. 2.
Click on the Online Giving icon below to create or access your account.
We appreciate your support!
9th Annual San Diego Walk for
Stand up for Life at the 9th annual San Diego Walk for Life: a hybrid week-long event (January 11-16, 2021) which includes a series of webinars, a virtual concert, two masses, and a vehicle caravan that will replace the actual walk. The theme is “Never Alone: Meeting their Needs at Every Turn.” Mass will be outdoors with a live-stream option. We encourage you to show your pro-life spirit by wearing blue for the webinars and Mass and by decorating your cars with life-affirming signs. Check the entire program at https://www.sdcatholic.org/event/san-diego-walk-for-life/.
La 9ª Caminata por la Vida de San Diego
Levante su voz en defensa de la vida y participe en la 9ª Caminata por la Vida de San Diego: evento hibrido del 11 al 16 de enero, 2021. El evento consistirá en seminarios en línea, concierto virtual, Misas y caravana de automóviles. El tema es “Nunca Solos: Respondiendo a sus Necesidades en Cada Momento.” Las misas serán al aire libre y se transmitirán por internet. Los invitamos a que muestren su espíritu en favor de la vida participen en los eventos, ponganse una prenda azul cielo y decorando su automóvil con letreros y pancartas pro-vida. Para más información
St. Patrick Catholic School is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in giving your child or grandchild the opportunity to experience the strong faith, positive values and high educational standards of our Catholic School, please stop by the school office and pick up an Application Packet or visit us at www.stpaddys.org and go to Admissions and download the packet. Questions, please call Cynthia Orozco (760)729-1333 ext.105.
"Catholic Trivia”... not because they are trivial but because these might be things that not everyone knows. Test your knowledge by reading the five questions, remember your answers (or jot them down), then click the link below to find the answers.
According to a non-biblical tradition, what are the names of the Magi?
In what year was Jesus born?
What marks the place where Jesus was born?
What are the names of the parents of John the Baptist?
According to the Protoevangelium of James (a second century document), what are the names of the parents of the Virgin Mary?
If you have other members of your family or your friends who would like to be on our email list, just let me know or write to Mary McLain at mmclain@stpatrickcarlsbad.comWe will be pleased to add them.
We have opened a YouTube channel where we have daily and Sunday Masses as well as Fr. Ron's new Bible Study posted for the parish called St Patrick Church Carlsbad that you can subscribe to.
The Lord promises David that he will raise from his descendants a kingdom that will endure forever.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 89:2-5,27,29
A prayer of praise to the Lord for his faithfulness to his covenant.
Second Reading
Romans 16:25-27
Paul praises God for making his revelation known.
Gospel Reading
Luke 1:26-38
The angel Gabriel visits Mary to announce the birth of Jesus.
Background on the Gospel Reading
This Sunday we read the story of the angel Gabriel’s announcement to Mary about the birth of Jesus. This story is found only in Luke’s Gospel. On this fourth Sunday of Advent, the liturgy shifts our attention from John the Baptist to Mary, the mother of Jesus. Both John and Mary serve as important figures for our reflection during the season of Advent; they both played instrumental roles in preparing the way for Jesus. Last week we reflected on John the Baptist’s announcement that the Savior was among us, although not yet recognized. This week we reflect upon Mary’s example of faith and obedience to God, traits which permitted her to receive the angel’s message that God’s Son would be born as a human person, as one of us.
We are familiar with the story of the Annunciation, and it is fitting that we recall how God announced the birth of Jesus as we make our final preparations for our celebration of the Incarnation. The angel Gabriel visited Mary, a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph. Mary greeted the angel’s news with awe and wonder and asked how it could be possible that she could give birth to a child. In his reply, the angel Gabriel announced the seemingly impossible reality: the child to be born would be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and would be God’s own Son. The angel reported to Mary another miracle; her relative Elizabeth was also pregnant despite having been thought to be unable to have a child. Mary’s response to the angel, which is called her fiat, is an example of complete faith and obedience to God.
The story of the Annunciation calls to our attention God’s wondrous action in human history. God chose a human person to give birth to his Son so that all humanity would know God’s salvation. Mary, already full of God’s grace, was able to cooperate in this great plan for our salvation. Thus Jesus was born as one of us, fully human and also fully divine. This is the mystery we prepare to celebrate at Christmas, the mystery of the Incarnation. In the model of Mary, we pray that we will be people of faith who recognize God’s saving plan for us and are able respond with obedience.
On Christmas Eve, Fr. Ron will celebrate a special Mass for children and families. It will take place on the covered court of the school at 12:00 pm (noon). The readings, homily and music will be geared to children and their families.
Children are encouraged to dress like one of the principal characters of the Nativity story: Mary, Joseph, an angel, a shepherd, Magi, etc. They will sit with their families and remain socially distant from one another. They will also need to wear the usual masks or face coverings.
Young people, families and parishioners of all ages are invited to this special celebration!
Christmas Music in a Classical Genre
Here are two musical pieces that present the mystery of the Incarnation in beautiful classic settings. The older piece is the Gloria in G Major by Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). Using the Latin text of the Gloria from our Mass, Vivaldi is uplifting and joyful in the Baroque style. It lasts about 30 minutes, so prepare to relax and enjoy it.
The second piece is by a contemporary American composer Morten Lauridsen (born 1943). It is called O Magnum Mysterium (Oh Great Mystery) and also has a Latin text. The English translation would be: “O great mystery and wonderful sacrament, that beasts should see the new-born Lord lying in a manger. O blessed virgin, whose body was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia.” Lauridsen captures the essence of the power and awesomeness of Christ's birth in a quiet and reverent way. It is a much shorter piece (7 minutes) but moving in its majesty. Enjoy!
Retirement Fund for Religious
Help our elders. In good times and bad, senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have dedicated themselves to service and acts of mercy. Today, they pray for an aching world. Yet years of serving for little or no pay have left their religious communities without enough retirement savings. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps provide medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Place your envelope in the collection basket at the entrance or send it to the parish office. Please be generous.
Al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos
Ayuden a nuestros mayores. En los buenos y en los malos tiempos, hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes católicos mayores de órdenes religiosas se han dedicado a servir y hacer obras de misericordia. Hoy ellos rezan por un mundo que sufre. Sin embargo, años sirviendo por poca o ninguna paga han dejado a sus comunidades religiosas con gran escasez en los fondos de jubilación. Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos ayuda con las recetas médicas, cuidados de enfermería y otras necesidades. Sean generosos.
Diacono Miguel Enriquez
Seguimos en la lucha contra la Pandemia, les suplico que todos sigamos todos los protocolos necesarios para colaborar con la parte que nos corresponde para que la infección no sea pasada por nosotros mismos. La vacuna contra el Covid-19 ya está entre nosotros, algunos están inseguros si un católico puede aceptar la vacuna. Por favor haga clic abajo, allí encontrará la carta de la Conferencia Católica de California afirmando su aprobación al uso de esta vacuna en las diócesis’ de California.
La Navidad esta cerca. ¿Cómo va a ser diferente esta Navidad que las otras? Mejor, imaginémonos que ésta es nuestra primera Navidad y escuchamos el Si de Maria por primera vez, ¿Qué pasa por tu mente o sientes en tu corazón? Por favor hagan clic en el Video para ayudarte en su meditación.
The Fourth Sunday of Adventtalks about the visit of the Angel Gabriel to Mary and God’s promise that she will bear a son and to name him Jesus, and that he will be called holy, the Son of God. This is a great mystery of our faith, that God sent his Son to earth as a little baby. The name Jesus means “God saves”. Jesus is the light of the world. His light scatters the darkness of evil. Jesus shows us what is true and right and good. Eagerly, we prepare our hearts with prayers and small sacrifices for his birth.
Fourth Week of Advent
“Mary, behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,
and you shall name him Jesus.”
Gather your family.
Light all four candles and pray together
Parent: God, our Father, you chose the perfect person to be your Son’s Mother.
All: Hail Mary, full of grace …
Parent: Mother Mary, hear our prayer, protect our family, and keep us united always.
All: Hail Mary, full of grace …
Parent: Dear Jesus, help us to be like your mother, obedient to God, and a blessing to others.
All: Hail Mary, full of grace …
Enjoy some treats; talk about favorite Christmas traditions and what your family might do differently this Christmas season.
Outreach Opportunity
We are collecting things that keep families warm (gently used blankets and jackets, scarves, gloves, warm socks) and family jars of peanut butter. Please mark your donations: House of the Poor and drop off at the parish office; Parish Office hours are 8:30am -12:30pm. Office will be closed Dec 23 – Jan 3. Thank you for your generosity.
Please contact the Office for Religious Education & Family Ministry with questions and for information at MDornisch@stpatrickcarlsbad.com
or 760-729-8442.
Loneliness: An Epidemic other than COVID-19
The year 2020 may not be forgotten for the rest of our lives. It has been a year marked by a pandemic that was not seen for more than 100 years. The coronavirus has brought many changes in our lives and in a certain way we have had to adapt to be able to survive against an invisible enemy. And technology has played a huge role in keeping us connected despite the distance. But is this enough to not feel alone?
A recent Ipsos survey of more than 20,000 American adults found that nearly half reported always or sometimes feeling lonely. Meanwhile, 1 in 4 say they rarely or never feel as though they have close friends or family members who truly understand them.
The apparent surge of loneliness transcends age. Among community-dwelling adults (meaning those not in retirement or health-care facilities), roughly 57% of those age 60 and older are lonely, according to a 2015 study from the University of Georgia. Adolescents may be also at even greater risk for loneliness than adults and that roughly 1 in 10 reports feeling socially isolated.
This is an irony of life; people have never had so many ways to connect and yet they feel more disconnected and isolated than ever.
One recent study from the University of Pittsburgh found that people ages 19 to 32 who spent two hours or more a day on social media were twice as likely to feel isolated than those who spent less time.
Adults older than 55, and especially those who have reached retirement age, also seem to be at increased risk for loneliness. Although in the end, we are all at risk, loneliness does not discriminate against anyone.
How to combat the epidemic of loneliness? The percentage of Americans who consistently attend social clubs, hobby groups, religious services, and other gatherings are less likely to feel lonely.
However, people can feel lonely even in the company of others. Therefore, the quality of a person’s social connections, not just the quantity, seem to be an important bulwark against feelings of loneliness or isolation.
La Soledad: Una epidemia distinta del CORONAVIRUS
El año 2020 posiblemente no se nos olvidará en lo que nos reste de vida. Ha sido un año marcado por una pandemia que hace más de 100 años no se veía. El coronavirus ha traído muchos cambios a nuestra vida y en cierta forma nos hemos tenido que adaptar para poder sobrevivir ante un enemigo que es invisible. Y la tecnología ha jugado un papel sumamente importante para mantenernos conectados a pesar de la distancia. Pero, es esto suficiente para no sentirnos solos?
Una encuesta reciente de Ipsos a más de 20,000 adultos estadounidenses encontró que casi la mitad informa que siempre o algunas veces se siente solo. Mientras tanto, 1 de cada 4 dice que rara vez o nunca siente que tiene amigos cercanos o familiares que realmente los entienden.
La aparente oleada de soledad trasciende la edad. Entre los adultos que viven en comunidad (es decir, aquellos que no están jubilados o en instalaciones de atención médica), aproximadamente el 57% de los mayores de 60 años se sienten solos, según un estudio del 2015 de la Universidad de Georgia. Los adolescentes también pueden tener un riesgo aún mayor de soledad que los adultos y aproximadamente 1 de cada 10 informó sentirse socialmente aislado.
Esto es una ironía de la vida, las personas nunca han tenido tantas formas de conectarse y, sin embargo, se sienten más desconectadas y aisladas que nunca.
Un estudio reciente de la Universidad de Pittsburgh encontró que las personas de 19 a 32 años que pasaban dos horas o más al día en las redes sociales tenían el doble de probabilidades de sentirse aisladas que aquellas que pasaban menos tiempo.
Los adultos mayores de 55 años y especialmente aquellos que han alcanzado la edad de jubilación, también parecen tener un mayor riesgo de soledad. Aunque al final todos corremos el riesgo, la soledad no discrimina a nadie.
¿Cómo combatir la epidemia de la soledad? El porcentaje de estadounidenses que asiste regularmente a clubes sociales, grupos de pasatiempos, servicios religiosos y otras reuniones es menos probable que se sienta solo.
Sin embargo, las personas pueden sentirse solas incluso en compañía de otras personas. Por lo tanto, la calidad de las conexiones sociales de una persona, no solo la cantidad, parece ser un baluarte importante contra los sentimientos de soledad o aislamiento.
Our parish offices are open, Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 12:30pm.
During this time of inactivity, we will use our parish email system to communicate with parishioners to offer spiritual reflections and make announcements.
In case of an emergency, you can always reach us by phone. We will be checking regularly for messages and respond as soon as possible. If need be, the answering service can get in touch with one of our priests quickly- 760-729-2866.
If you know someone who does not receive our emails, please forward this to them, or have them reply to this message.
To email a priest at St. Patrick Church click the link below: