December 2, 2020
View the December Newsletter here

Download information about Advent programs and Christmas services here.

Advent Themes Rooted in Judaism Led by Dr. Paul Bischoff
Wednesdays, December 2, 9 & 16 – 7:00-8:00 p.m.
God didn’t arrive into a generic culture on earth. Jesus, the incarnate God,
spoke Aramaic, a Hebrew dialect. Advent and Christmas begin in the Torah, and the Prophets begin with the Messiah, as mentioned by Matthew and Luke in the Gospels. Jesus was born to Mary of Nazareth, a young Jewish mother. Luther called her the “scholar virgin.” The Church, the concrete body of Christ on earth, has its origins in the Tabernacle, a tent where God’s presence overshadowed Israel in its redemption from Egypt. As we await the arrival of Mary’s baby, humanity’s Lord and Savior, we come alongside Jesus, Joseph, and Mary as the first “where three are gathered,” the church, the first family of God.

December 2 - Mary Didn’t Have a Halo Magnificat Luke 1:46 – 55
December 9 - Jesus Wasn’t A Christian Annunciation Luke 1:26 – 38
December 16 - The Church is Catholic Incarnation John 1:14

We are living between two advents: the incarnation and the second coming of Jesus. This Advent series explores how we should live in this “in-between.” How do we live in light of Jesus’s ministry while waiting for his expected return?

December 6 - Waiting and Working for Jesus’ Coming 2 Peter 3:8-14
December 13 - Jesus Came to Create Peace Isaiah 11:1-10
December 20 - In Time, Jesus Will Restore All Humankind Revelation 21:1-4
Reserve your Advent Devotional or full "Advent Means... kit" today
(includes "What Advent Means to Me" yard sign art project)
One way that we are staying connected to our community is through the church-wide initiative, "Advent Means..." We hope to foster a creative way to engage our community this season. The initiative offers "Advent Means..." kits, which include:
  • An Advent candle to participate in the weekly Advent Wreath lighting during worship
  • Access to our Advent devotional
  • Supplies for an Advent community art project - Create your own yard sign that will adorn the church grounds with your artistic display of what Advent Means to you

To reserve your Advent Devotional or full "Advent Means..." kit, register here.

Kits are available for pickup during office hours. If you're not able to pick up your kit, select "Delivery Option" and the office will contact you. 

Communion this Sunday

You’re invited to celebrate communion this SundayIn preparation for receiving communion, we encourage you to gather your favorite bread and a small cup of juice (or wine) in advance of the 10:00 a.m. livestream start time. In the event that you are unable to collect your own elements, just participate as you are able. 


It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Knox Williams.

We entrust him to the eternal care of Jesus. Our prayers are with Jean and their family.


A memorial service for Jack Oberhelman will be held on Friday, December 11 at 4:00 p.m. over Zoom. A link will be made available. 

Read Jack's obituary.

Christmas Giving Trees 2020 Covid Style
Being A Matthew 25 Church

Covid 19 is giving us an opportunity to be and live as a Matthew 25 church. Challenging yes, but also providing ways to demonstrate the love given to us through Jesus Christ. Through Christmas trees, we have shared with sisters and brothers in need for over 35 years. The needs are still great. We won’t have trees this year, since our sharing needs to be done safely, but we can still share. We can explore Matthew 25 as we look at giving to our Christian siblings. 

The Zomi children give us an opportunity to welcome them as we would welcome Christ himself. We plan to purchase $25 gift cards from Target for each child, along with a little bag of goodies. We are planning to provide gifts for 102 children. 

Marklund Homes: We plan to supply 30 Target or Walmart gift cards and goodie bags for the developmentally disabled infants, children and adults at Marklund. Gift cards will allow the residents to shop online with their caregivers. This gives us an opportunity to care for some of God’s most vulnerable children and share his love with our siblings in Christ.

Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans: $25 gift cards from Target and Walmart, along with gas gift cards will be delivered to the Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans.

The deadline for giving is Monday, December 14. You can support this ministry by check or online giving. Be sure to specify “Zomi Children,” “Marklund Home” or “Homeless Veterans” in the memo line. Contact the church office with any questions.

This year we will be delivering a special holiday box meal, along with a gift of a new bed pillow, handmade pillowcase and a touchless door opener / button pusher device to the Outreach Community Center’s older adults. Checks may be made out to Outreach Community Ministries and dropped off at the church office or mailed to Older Adults Program Outreach Community Center, 345 S President Street, Carol Stream, IL 60188. Contact Alice Lechiara or Kim Van Oss.
Tuesday, December 15 is the Last Day to Support
Boy Scout Troop 23 Christmas Wreath Sales

Church members are welcome to support the troop by purchasing Christmas greens, something the church troop has been doing since 1966. To place an order, go online. Please enter Fundraising Code TR23IL002. If a specific scout referred you, please also enter the scout's name. Contact Doug Kurtz or Julee Lockard with any questions or to express your interest in purchasing greenery. We appreciate your prayers and support of our boys’ activities.

Register now for one of our Family Christmas services,
"Drive-INN to Bethlehem"
Sunday, December 20 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, December 24 3:00 p.m.

We are asking children to make a nativity drawing to be used in the online bulletin for our family Christmas services. Drawings can be of the entire nativity scene or any character from the scene. Parents, please email a photo of your child’s drawing to Chandra Gravit so it can become part of our bulletin!

Kids Ministry Mission Diaper collection: To celebrate baby Jesus' birthday, please bring a box of diapers size 4-5-6 to one of our two family Christmas services (Sunday, December 20 or Thursday, December 24) to donate to Outreach's Jubilee Village for single mothers and the Interfaith Food Pantry.

Mark your calendars for our next family event: Snow Day on Saturday, January 23 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. Kids Ministry is partnering in fun and faith building for an afternoon of friendly family competition to beat the winter blues. 

Genesis - Middle School Ministry

Parents, look for a poll about December in-person vs. Zoom activities in a Genesis email. Please submit your poll by Friday, December 4.

Today, December 2 - 5:00-6:00 p.m. Deliver poinsettias and cheer to our church neighbors, then warm up with s'mores by firepits.

Sunday, December 20 from 12:30-2:00 p.m. or Thursday, December 24 from 2:30-4:00 p.m. -- Serve as mission gift collectors, traffic control and more at Family Christmas Worship. We invite Genesis to help out with this year's outdoor "Drive-INN to Bethlehem: Family Christmas Worship Service."

Upcoming Event: Let it Glo party watch for more details 

Feel free to contact Pastor Tassie with questions.

TONIGHT, December 2 at 8:15 p.m. SALT December Planning Zoom call: Link will be provided in the WF email.

Sunday, December 6, 5:00-6:00 p.m. WF Zoom call. Join us for gingerbread-house making, faith and fun. Gingerbread kits can be picked up in the rotunda this week during office hours or in the parking lot on Sunday, December 6 from 11:00-11:30 a.m. Zoom link and details will be announced in WF emails.

Sunday, December 13, 4:00-5:30 p.m. WF Christmas Photo Scavenger Hunt around town. Seniors are planning a fun, safe, outdoor, competitive event. Dress warmly and wear your kicks! 

Sunday, December 20, 5:00-6:00 p.m. Zoom online games Among Us and Psych 

Save the Dates: 
Sunday, January 10, 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Confirmation meets again weekly through February 28, Confirmation Sunday.

Feel free to contact Pastor Tassie with questions.
Thanks to all those who have responded generously to our Thanks-Giving campaign. If you have not yet done so, you can make your pledge here.

Your financial pledges make possible inspiring worship, inclusive programs, and impactful mission for our church and community. 

Church Office Hours
Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church of Wheaton
Phone 630-668-5147