36 Main Street, Newtown, CT | |
Last Call!
Dear Trinity Parishioners,
Final Date for Gift Delivery is Friday, December 13th!
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Breakfast Sunday 12/15
Please join us after service this Sunday for breakfast downstairs in the Glover Room.
Enjoy some Quiche, scrambled eggs, bacon and sausage, hash browns, biscuits and gravy and pancakes. Enjoy fellowship with friends and meet some new people. Come as you are. All are welcome!!
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Evening Compline and Centering Prayer
Join us this Advent season on the following Thursdays from 6-7pm for contemplative quiet prayer in the Sanctuary with Evening Compline followed by Centering Prayer.
December 12
December 19
The ancient office of Compline derives its name from a Latin word meaning 'completion' (completorium). It is a service of quietness and reflection before rest at the end of the day which includes a confession of sins, psalms, reading from scripture, the Lord's Prayer and a collect which asks for God's protection during the night to come.
Centering Prayer is a method of Christian contemplative silent prayer which deepens our relationship with God...a prayer in which we can experience God's presence within us through listening with open hearts and open minds.
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Olive Wood Products from Bethlehem - Final Sunday of sales!
During coffee hour on Sunday Sara will have olive wood products from the Holy Land for sale. These products were hand-crafted by Palestinian Christian artisans in Bethlehem, many of whom come from families that have been woodworking for hundreds of years. The Bethlehem economy relies on tourism for 90% of its revenue, and these artisans currently have no means of supporting their families because of lack of tourists due to the war. Your purchase would contribute to their livelihoods during this time. Items range from $3-$50. Any purchase big or small is appreciated. You can pay by cash, check, Zelle, or Venmo (@sawilliams212). If you have questions, please email or text Sara Williams at sawilliams212@gmail.com or 513-593-5373.
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2025 Giving Envelopes
The 2025 Giving Envelopes are in the back of the Sanctuary. If you would like to have envelopes, but do not see your name, please contact Kim.
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Stephen Ministry Survey
The Stephen Ministry Leaders Team here at Trinity, Newtown, is surveying the parish to gauge the success of current groups and to inquire about your interest in forming other groups. Please click here to complete this. It’ll take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Thanks!
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Ministry Scheduler Pro
The schedule for January, February and March will be run on Monday, December 16th. Please log in to the scheduler an update any "Can't Serve" times.
If you would like to learn more about a particular ministry, or be added to one of our lists, please reach out to Kim.
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Another opportunity to watch "The Philadelphia Eleven"
If you weren't able to catch the Trinity-sponsored November 10 screening of this documentary about the ordination of women in the Episcopal Church, you have another chance. The film will be available to watch online at home anytime from Nov. 27th through Jan. 6th. Use this link to purchase your $11 ticket.
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Your donations are very appreciated as
the Pantry use is at an all time high. With this Holiday season the need will continue to rise. If you are able, please consider donating some of the most needed items or a gift card to a grocery store or Walmart. We will do the shopping.
Peanut butter/Jelly
Breakfast cereals
Canned legumes
Canned Fruit
Pasta Sauce
Laundry soap (small size)
Coffee is appreciated
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My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. For behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath magnified me, and holy is his name.
Oh, how I love a good Magnificat! The term Magnificat, or rather its longer version “Magnificat anima mea Dominum” translates to “My soul magnifies the Lord”. The text of this canticle is drawn from the Gospel of Luke in the story of Mary, having just been visited by Gabriel and told the news that she will bear the son of God, is visiting Elizabeth who was expecting her soon-to-be-son, John the Baptist. The baby moved in Elizabeth’s womb as Mary spoke, filling Elizabeth with the Holy Spirit and causing her to exclaim, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear!” Mary responded with what is now known as possibly the oldest Marian hymn, the Magnificat.
This Sunday, the Trinity Choir will sing Herbert Brewer’s Magnificat, which, if you were at the Evensong last Sunday, you might recognize. It’s a very popular Evensong selection, and its majestic setting is so appropriate for the spirit of the passage from Luke.
You’ll see Mary in another spot in church this week too: in the Nativity Pageant! Bring your singing voices and get ready to sing along with the beloved carols as we go through the story of the birth of Jesus with our Church School kids. They are rehearsed and ready to bring you this blessed tradition, and I know your support and encouragement mean so much to them.
See you on Sunday!
Peace, Love, Hope & Joy,
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Pageant Performance - This Sunday! | |
Calling all pageant players -- this Sunday, 12/15, is our performance! Please arrive at Trinity at 9:00 AM and meet in the library. Once your child is dressed they can watch a video or play a game while they wait for church to start. Kids will be sitting with their respective families during the service so be sure to save them a seat! Can't make it? Please email Miss Frances to let her know.
A hearty thank you from Miss Frances to the following adult volunteers who made this pageant possible: Jennifer Sisco, Virginia Holmes, Francine Wheeler, Meghan Feli, Brian Dirschel, Koryn Dirschel, Rebecca Merrick, Chuck Wyatt, and Jess Gibson. Your generosity of spirit is much appreciated!
Additional thanks go to Virginia Holmes, our most recent church school helper. Are you interested in becoming a church school helper yourself? Please email Miss Frances.
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Important Notes About the Nursery
*The nursery will be staffed each Sunday in December from 9:15 - 11:15 AM, as usual.
*Next Sunday, 12/15, we were not able to get extra coverage to keep the nursery open from 9-12. If you can help, please contact Kim. With the Pageant and the Breakfast, it would be a great help!
*It will not be staffed on Christmas Eve as we encourage families to attend this special service together. There will be extra toys and activities available in the family corner of the sanctuary.
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Movie and Popcorn! - Coming Soon
Our attendance at Trinity Church School is growing! We have more kids attending more often, and they have already earned their first attendance award! On Sunday, 1/5/2025, kids will watch a movie and eat popcorn during church school. Kids are encouraged to wear pajamas and bring a favorite stuffed animal as well. This is a really fun Sunday for the kids and is one they've been looking forward to. We hope your child can attend!
Upcoming Events:
Sunday, 12/15, Christmas Pageant during worship service, NO CHURCH SCHOOL, Church breakfast
Sunday, 12/22, NO CHURCH SCHOOL
Sunday, 12/29, NO CHURCH SCHOOL
Sunday, 1/5/2025, Church school resumes, Movie and Popcorn!
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Christian Yoga
Join Christian Yoga class on alternating Tuesdays at 7 pm for an hour of movement incorporating prayer and scripture. This is a great way to connect to yourself, with others and with God. The next session will be held on 1/14/25 & 1/28/24. All are welcome!
Free will offering is completely voluntary.
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Weekly Happenings
Trinity's nursery is open every Sunday from 9:15 - 11:15, and is professionally staffed by Wee Care Nanny Agency. Click here to review the nursery guidelines.
Trinity's Grief Support Group runs every first and third Thursday of the month from 4-5:15pm, and is open to all.
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Should you wish to make a donation to LL, please mail a check to First Congregational Church of Ridgefield (FCC), 103 Main Street, Ridgefield, Ct 06877. The memo line should read LLGD or click here. | |
New Process for Vouchers
Thank you to all of you who have seamlessly transitioned over to the new system - it is such a pleasure to be working with Lori Rohrbacher again!
Vouchers can now be submitted virtually. There is a new page on Trinity's website (Vouchers). Please use this online form as a way to submit vouchers. If you need help learning this new system, please contact Kim.
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Praise and Thanksgiving
For those requesting our prayers
Maureen, Janet, Rick, Marie, Jennifer, Joyce, Jacky, Gail, Alveta, Bode, Gracie, Martha, Daniel, Shirley, Dan, Barbara, Lucille, Caroline, Eric, Brent, Karen, Judy, Patricia, Kathy, Joan, Bill, Donna, Carol, Jermaine, Jacob
For those celebrating a birthday this week
Justyn Murphy, Blake Dirschel, Dick Taylor
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