A Note from Wendy Claire Barrie
Saint Mark’s is thrilled to welcome Wendy Claire Barrie as our new Canon for Intergenerational Ministry! Here is a quick note from her…
I am so happy to begin the circle of the church year with you this Advent! I look forward to meeting and getting to know you—please be in touch if you’d like to meet up in person or on Zoom in the coming weeks. I am particularly eager to hear about what you'd like me to know about the Saint Mark's community, and what you are most hoping for here in the coming weeks and months. I can be reached by email: wbarrie@saintmarks.org or by phone: 206.323.0300 x223
With much warmth,
Congratulations to our 2021 Youth Confirmation Class!
On Sunday, November 14, Mei Li Babuca, Andrew Barnes, Anneka Herring, Elsie Nelson Brown, and Heather Sutkus were confirmed at the 9 a.m. liturgy by Bishop Greg Rickel. This is the first confirmation class at Saint Mark’s to have completed the year-long commitment of wrestling with their faith and the beliefs of the church, using the Confirm Not Conform curriculum.
If your middle school or high school youth is interested in being part of the next confirmation class, please contact Rebekah Gilmore at rgilmore@saintmarks.org.
Families, watch your front porches on Sunday, November 21, for a quick drop-off! The CYFM team has prepared a small bag of goodies to help you and your family celebrate together this Advent season.
These bags will be arriving for all of our families with children (babies to 5th grade). If your family does not have children this age, we will have the same Advent devotional books ready and waiting at the Cathedral for your household on the first Sunday of Advent (Sunday, November 28).
Upcoming Advent/Chirstmas Events
The "O" Antiphons Liturgy
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 7 P.M., in person in the cathedral nave, or livestreamed.
The annual "O" Antiphons Liturgy is considered by many to be a highlight of the liturgical year at Saint Mark's—a liturgy crafted at this cathedral here 35 years ago, full of poetry, pageantry, and wonder . This beloved cathedral tradition provides a moving and evocative entrance into the Advent season of prayerful expectation. See video and leaflets from recent years here. This year's event will feature the world premiere of a commissioned anthem by Dr. Zanaida Robles; learn more here.
The Senior Choristers are singing in the service. Call time is 6 p.m. in the organ loft.
Incense is used. Pre-registration is required to attend in person: register here.
Intergenerational Crèche Sharing Event
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 10:10–10:50 A.M., in person in Bloedel Hall or online via Zoom.
Everyone is invited to bring a crèche (nativity scene) from home and share a story about it. If you don’t have a crèche, you may also make and take a simple one with materials provided. Crèches will be blessed at the conclusion of the event.
The Pageant of the Nativity
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 7 P.M., in person in the cathedral nave, and livestreamed.
Pre-registration and proof of vaccination/negative COVID test required to attend in person (see details here).
Since 2015, Saint Mark's has been offering a Christmas Pageant like no other, bringing together the choirs and children of the community with costumes of cathedral finery, visual art displayed within cathedral architecture, and special instrumental accompaniment to reflect upon the Nativity of Christ as told in Holy Scripture. Video, photographs, and programs for previous years' Pageants can be found here. After a pause in 2020, the Pageant returns this year, with some modifications in the staging for the sake of safety.
All children (including choristers!) who would like to participate in the Pageant of the Nativity must register at this link. It takes the combined effort of many people to make this happen—please contact Rebekah Gilmore if you'd like to get involved in any way: rgilmore@saintmarks.org.
Although pre-registration will be required to attend in person, parents of participating children will receive the registration link before the rest of the community—keep and eye out for more information in the coming weeks.
4 p.m. Christmas Eve Service
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 4 P.M., in the cathedral nave and livestreamed
Pre-registration and proof of vaccination/negative COVID test required to attend in person (see details here).
Pre-registration link will open on December 1.
Saint Mark's has for many years offered three services on Christmas Eve: 4 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and 11 p.m. The 4 p.m. service, sometimes called the "Family Service" is particularly appropriate for families with younger children—it includes musical contributions by the choristers of the Choir School as well as a special sermon.
The Senior Choristers will sing for the 4 p.m. service, and their call time is 3 p.m. in the loft. The Junior Choristers are not singing for this service this year.
At the 7:30 p.m. Christmas Eve service, the Evensong Choristers and Schola will sing. Call time is 6:15 p.m. to vest in the St. Nicholas building.
Twelfth Night Celebration and Burning of the Greens
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 2022, 6:30 P.M., in the cathedral nave and outdoors (weather permitting), with portions of the evening livestreamed.
In our tradition, the celebration of the Feast of Christmas lasts twelve days, beginning December 25 and ending on January 5 (that is, the day before the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6). The evening of the last day of Christmas is known as “Twelfth Night,” and is an opportunity for festivity and reflection. Come together in the cathedral nave on January 5 for a brief rite to bid farewell to Christmastide and to usher in the Season of Epiphany. Then, we’ll have a bonfire of the Christmas greens in the lower parking lot, followed by hot drinks and festive snacks for all.
Advent/Christmas Worship Precautions
If you haven't watched it yet, take a moment to listed to Dean Steve explain the special policies in place for the five large Advent and Christmas liturgies: The "O" Antiphons Service, The Pageant of the Nativity, and the three Christmas Eve services at 4, 7:30, and 11 p.m. For those five services only, pre-registration and either proof of vaccination or a recent negative COVID test are required to attend in person. See all the details at saintmarks.org/advent.
Sunday School This Season
EVERY SUNDAY, 10–10:50 A.M. (between the 9 and 11 a.m. Eucharist services), indoors in the St. Nicholas Building, 2nd floor, or online via Zoom.
Sunday School will meet this week, November 21, in person and on Zoom. There will not be Sunday School on Thanksgiving Weekend, November 28, and we hope you'll join us at 10 am on December 5 for the Intergenerational Creche Sharing Event in Bloedel Hall or on Zoom.
Sunday School will take place on December 12 and 19 but will not meet on December 26 or January 2. Look for more information about our special plans for Sundays in the New Year soon!
Suggestions and Reflections from Canon Barrie
Canon Barrie blogs about faith at home.