Speaking Out for Peace
November 30, 2020
Robert Bell

He will settle disputes among the nations,
Among the great powers near and far.
They will hammer their swords into plows
And their spears into pruning knives.
Nations will never again go to war,
Never prepare for battle again.
Everyone will live in peace
Among his own vineyards and fig trees
And no one will make him afraid.
The Lord Almighty has promised this.

Micah 4: verses 1 – 5
(Good News Bible)

Boy oh boy, don’t we wish! One truth I know from growing up Christian is that Jesus brought peace and love to the world. This is the Advent time each year that we celebrate Jesus’ birth. Peace on Earth; Good Will to All Rings Out. We can hope and dream that this could happen. I embrace this cause and do what I can to promote peace, as well as protest war.

Our son Jim Bell joined the Marines in 1989. Ellie and I went to San Diego to honor his graduation from “boot camp.” In 1990 Ellie and I were isolated in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness; leaving the tranquility of the wilderness we learned of the threat of yet another war and that Jim was deployed to “Desert Shield.”  We were dismayed. We feared another Vietnam involvement. We heard about a professor in Milwaukee with a Marine son, also deployed, who started the “Military Families Support Network”, a group opposing the war effort and wanting our military to be safe. I became the Illinois chairperson and we worked to oppose the Mideast war, including attending patriotic rallies where we spoke for peace.

We were interviewed by reporters. We were invited to appear at Oprah Winfrey’s show. Attending a huge march in Washington DC to protest the war made some difference. Many at First United Church donated money and support for the cause. For us it was a good “fight.” The conflict ended; our military family members were united. 

As Christians we must speak out for peace. Our mission is to end armed conflicts, and promote organizations like the United Nations to work for peace. The words of the Spiritual “Down by the Riverside” will be our prayer:

“Gonna lay down my sword and shield, down by the riverside,
And study war no more.
“Gonna walk with the Prince of Peace…
“Gonna shake hands around the world…
“Gonna lay down those atom bombs..
And study war no more.