The Hope of Advent
December 18, 2020
Jane Barker

Advent. A season of waiting. A season of hope. A season of wrath from The Man--Herod, the guy who ordered all the male babies destroyed. But it’s Advent. A season of waiting. A season of hope.  

We look forward during this time. That’s the essence of advent. And right now, we need the hope of advent to bring us through the reality of pandemic. Jesus is on the way. We know that reassuring story. He’s the baby who winds up in a manger. He grows. He perseveres. He challenges authority and his people. He loves us and, ultimately, dies to save us. And he will, even now, come to be with us. We rely on that truth. Even when we can’t gather together in our beloved sanctuary.

He dodged the wrath of Herod. Will we? Will we pass through this pandemic? And if so, will we do so in a way that honors Jesus? Will we help our neighbors in need? Will we walk in step with Jesus who suffered and died on the way to truth? Or will we tuck inside and hide?

I don’t know. I know that people are suffering right now. They can’t hug their loved ones who are old and living in quarantine. Folks have lost their livelihoods. Those who haven’t are working full time from home which removes a wall between work and home life. Children are home, interacting with a screen instead of interacting in a classroom with teachers and classmates. We live in a time where hope is a precious commodity. Folks are hungry. Hungry for food and for love and kindness. For human connection. For hope.

During this time of hope and waiting, find a way. Find a way to be kind. Find a way to share hope.  Find a way to extend a hand of friendship or, really, just put one foot in front of the other and continue. Continue on a journey to love, and to hope, and to kindness. Peace be with you.

God of hope and steadfastness. Be with us. Strengthen us in these challenging times. Bring us the hope and joy of advent. Amen.