Monday, January 4, 2021
SCRIPTURE READING: Matthew 1:18-25
Henri J.M. Nouwen, Roman Catholic priest, in his book entitled COMPASSION shares this thought: “God is our God, the God of the living. In the divine womb of God, life is always born again.”
Out of the womb of God, a seed was placed in a young teenager named Mary. Can you imagine what went through Mary’s mind? “What will Joseph to whom I’m engaged say? How will my parents react — women of the village and relatives?” What a dilemma!
Then there is Joseph. “I was sure Mary was the right one! Now look at what she has done — with another man’s child.”
Our God has a plan to give us a hope of salvation. He sends the gift of His Son implanted in Mary.
Our Scripture lesson tells us God’s plan is revealed to these two persons, Mary and Joseph. They now know they are to be God’s chosen servants as parents of His Son and our Savior, Jesus.
As Nouwen writes: “Our God is a God who does not hide Himself or reigns over a bunch of little gods, but is active and immersed in our lives.” We only have to look around to see His action — blue sky, sun, flowers, birds, etc. Out of His love, ‘He made you, me and all humans in His image to live life with joy and peace.
As we live and have our being we who are Jesus’ disciples see life being born in the laughter of children, the achievement of a college or high school graduate, the glow of a mother gazing down at her new-born baby and the love flowing from a couple celebrating 50 years of marriage.
I believe with Nouwen that God is always birthing new life for us as God’s gifts to us to go with His greatest gift we all cherish at Christmas and each day. Thank You, God, for life and living.
PRAYER: God is all living things who is always with us, may we share joy, peace and hope to all persons we meet. May our lives born again through Jesus Christ shine within us every day. Amen.
Pastor Jim MacMain