Saturday, January 2, 2021
SCRIPTURE READING: And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.” /Revelation 21:3-4
I don’t have to tell anyone what kind of year we are living through.
Aside from all the restrictions we’ve had put upon us, we, like many of you, have lost loved ones. For my wife and I, we have lost nine all told.
Five years ago, a neighbor died and her husband had a memorial service after the Christmas holidays. The following was on the back of the memorial service program. I thought that this poem might be a comfort for all who have lost loved ones — whenever.
MY FIRST Christmas In Heaven
I am having my first Christmas in Heaven
A glorious, wonderful day!
I am standing with saints of all ages,
Who found Christ, the truth and the way.
I am singing with the heavenly choir
I — who so loved to sing!
And, oh what celestial music
We bring to our Savior and King.
I am singing the glad song of redemption,
How Jesus to Bethlehem came,
And why they called His name Jesus,
That all may be saved through His name!
Oh, loved one, I wish you could be here!
No Christmas on earth can compare,
With all of the rapture in glory,
I witness in Heaven so fair!
You know how I always loved Christmas,
It seemed such a wonderful day,
With all of my loved ones around me,
We were so happy in every way.
Yes, now I can see why I loved it,
And, oh what a joy it will be,
When all of my loved ones are with me,
To share all the glories I see!
So, dear ones on earth, I send greetings,
Look up! Till dawning appears,
And, oh what a Christmas awaits us,
Beyond all our partings and tears!
Author Unknown
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, as we prepare to celebrate the birth of your Son, Jesus the Christ, let us remember all our loved ones who have gone home, and may we marvel at what a celebration they will have with Jesus. In Your Son’s precious name, Amen.
Al Bowyer
Footnote: Unschooled as I am, I had no idea what or where to find a Bible verse — so I want to thank Pastor Brad for his assistance.
Thank you — Pastor Brad!