Thursday, December 24, 2020
KEY VERSE: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14
Years ago, a popular program on television was “I’ve Got a Secret.” A panel of celebrities would try to guess the secret of a contestant. The panel members would ask questions of the contestant; and on the basis of the answers they would guess the contestant’s secret.
Well, I’ve got a secret! — a secret about Christmas. This secret is not found in the Christmas lights or brightly colored decorations. It is not in the fruitcake, cookies or candy. Nor is it in the gifts or the cards we send.
This wonderful secret is found in the love, peace and goodwill that we see during the Advent/Christmas season. Everyone seems nicer at Christmas. We remember folks we haven’t been in touch with since last December. We think of those less fortunate and we dig just a little deeper into our pockets to help them. We attend church with more enthusiasm than usual; and sing carols about “Peace on Earth” and “Joy to the World.” This year, when things have been especially tough, we appreciate this Holy Season more than ever before.
So, why do these characteristics have to be limited to a few weeks out of each year? Why can’t we celebrate the spirit of Christmas all year through?
So, that brings me to my “secret” — My Secret of Christmas!!!
I believe the true Secret of Christmas is not the things we do at Christmas time; I believe the true Secret of Christmas is the Christmas things we do all year through!
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, help us to keep Christmas in our hearts and practice it every day of the year. We pray in the name of Your Son, Jesus, the “Babe who brought perfect love to a lost world. Amen.
Pastor Ruth