Thursday, December 3, 2020
SCRIPTURE: Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”
Mark 5:36
Many of us have been living in a new reality for the past 6 months. We have practiced physical distancing to the best of our ability. Our kids have continued their education through hours and days of screen time. Teachers are experiencing extreme burnout, trying to juggle teaching kids in school and at home, at the same time.
Parents have juggled platefuls of expectations and feel like they're not doing anything well.
Those who live alone feel even more isolated.
Many worship services are still totally online and there are now deep divides among religious leaders over the "right" way to conduct worship.
Government leaders & virology experts are continuing the hard work of discerning the best way for us to take baby steps back to normal.
It is all an exercise of faith. We are people of faith. In the face of heartache, we have faith. In the wake of confusion, we have faith. In the turmoil of indecision, we have faith. In the mundane every day, we have faith. As we continue to take steps to get back to normal, it is going to be hard to have restraint and to have patience.
And what do we turn to when things are hard? Faith. Faith in Jesus. Faith that is a free gift from God. Faith that comes to us in the quiet peace during an early morning walk, and the stillness of the Spirit. Faith, no matter how small, can move mountains. It's going to be a hard process. We are in this, with God, together.
PRAYER: Dear Father in Heaven, please help us to be faithful through times of turmoil and change…rather than waiting to become faithful after the change is over.
Trish Conover