Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Scripture reading: Matthew 1:18-25
When Mary tells Joseph about her pregnancy, he considers quietly breaking off their engagement instead of publically shaming her. However, an angel appears to him in a dream and tells him, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.
This pronouncement would seem to be beyond human logic or reasoning. Could God’s Holy Spirit enter a human life and conception take place? Surely Joseph pondered the Angel’s message. Being in love with Mary and being a man of integrity, Joseph decided to trust God. He married Mary. After all, the angel who appeared to Joseph confirmed what Mary had already told him. When the baby was born, Joseph, as instructed by God, named him Jesus. The name means Jesus saves.
Thus, the very nature of God entered one human life — that of Jesus.
I think the Christmas message moves beyond the baby Jesus’ birth. I believe that we celebrate the birth of Jesus because of his entire life...his ministry on earth, his death on the cross, and his resurrection, which has changed our lives for eternity.
It’s all about Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus with us, for us, and through us to spread the Good News.
PRAYER: Father God, thank You for Your incredible gift of grace through Jesus. Guide us to trust You in all the circumstances of our lives. Strengthen us to set aside our fears, to turn to You, and to act in faith as You use us according to Your will. This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Mary Anne May