Wednesday, December 6, 2023

As I am enjoying a beautiful fall, I am noticing how short the days have become. We are heading quickly toward the darkest day of the year, a day when there are the fewest hours of sunlight, when night comes earlier and lasts longer than any other day. This year there seems to be even more darkness in our world as wars increase and as we hear daily reports of destruction, violence, and deaths in the Middle East. In our own country there is division, hatred, injustice, and violence. Everyone is looking for good news, for peace, for safety. Our Hindu and Sikh neighbors just celebrated Diwali, the festival of lights. Our Jewish friends will soon be lighting candles on their Menorah. And we will be lighting the candles of Advent. We need these lights, and what they represent, in our world.

I was brought up in a different faith tradition, one that didn’t observe Advent. When I first learned about it, I didn’t understand how important it was. I sometimes thought of Advent as one more thing to do for the season; something that was really like a hallway that I sometimes rushed through on my way to the main event, Christmas.

Each year I have understood more the importance of waiting; of stopping to breath in the promise of Advent; of staying in moments of peace and gratitude and wonder as I light the Advent candles.  My daily quiet time this Advent season will be focused on the promise of the Prince of Peace and on being alert and open to any way that I can be a light in this world and share the Light of God’s love and peace with others.


THE DAILY OFFICE Psalms 119:1-24, 12, 13, 14 | Amos 3:12-4:5 | 2 Peter 3:1-10 | Matthew 21:23-32

Advent 2023 at St. Stephen's
Previous 2023 meditations