Cathedral Bulletin | December 14, 2022


  • Join us for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 18
  • Sacrificial Sunday Giving: make your pledge for 2023
  • Advent Readings and Carols, Friday, December 16 at 7:30pm
  • Solemnity of the Dedication of the Cathedral, December 22
  • Christmas Mass Schedule, December 24-25
  • Christmas Eve Greeters Needed!
  • The Chair: A Documentary about the history of the Archdiocese of Seattle (featuring Father Ryan and Corinna Laughlin!)
  • Ditty Bag for Seafarers--Thank You!
  • Other News and Notices
  • Poem of the Month: St. Therese's "An Unpetalled Rose"
  • Last Sunday's bulletin

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

Saturday, December 17, 2022


5:30pm MASS

Sunday, December 18, 2022


8:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


10:00am MASS

live-streamed on VIMEO | FACEBOOK


12:00pm MASS

4:00pm Vespers with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament


5:30pm MASS

The south side of the East Nave has been set aside as a mask-only section at all weekend Masses. Face coverings are required in this seating area. For information, inquire of an usher. Thank you for your understanding.

Sacrificial Sunday Giving Report

Your generous support makes it possible for St. James Cathedral...


  • To celebrate the Church’s liturgy with beauty and dignity;
  • To reach out with love to the poor, the needy, and the elderly;
  • To offer educational programs to children, teens, and adults;
  • To pay our staff a just and living wage;
  • To sustain our highly acclaimed musical and cultural programs;
  • To maintain our magnificent cathedral and other parish buildings.


You can make your pledge online here!


Advent Readings and Carols 12/16

The Dedication of St. James Cathedral 12/22

Thursday, December 22 marks 115 years since St. James Cathedral was dedicated in 1907, and 28 years since it was rededicated in 1994.

We will celebrate this anniversary with a special Mass on December 22 at 5:30pm, with the lighting of the dedication candles. Father Ryan will preside.

All are welcome!

Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve Greeters Needed!


We need your help to extend a warm welcome to our many Christmas Eve visitors! Please consider volunteering as a greeter to provide hospitality, answer basic questions, and hand out programs. Greeters get reserved seats for the Mass.

We need greeters for both the 5:30pm Mass (greet from 4:00pm-5:15pm) and the 10:00pm Mass (greet from 7:45pm-9:00pm).

Please contact Corinna Laughlin, [email protected] if you are interested.

Ditty bags for seafarers--thank you!

A huge thank you to all who donated items for "ditty bags" for the seafarers who pass through the Port of Seattle this Christmas time. Seafarers of all ages and nationalities work an average of 80 hours a week (plus overtime) to bring us these necessary goods and as an international population, are often exploited. Work on board ships can be isolating, and seafarers are at a much higher risk for depression, divorce, and suicide.

Your response was incredibly generous. The photo gives an idea of the hundreds of socks, hats, toothbrushes, shampoo, toiletries, and other items donated over the last three weeks. Amazing!

The Chair: A Documentary

The Archdiocese of Seattle was recently featured in a video series called “The Chair,” celebrating cathedrals, bishops and dioceses throughout the United States. Both Father Ryan and Corinna Laughlin are featured in this 24-minute film, which also includes stunning footage of the Cathedral. It's free to watch but does require creating a free account to access the Seattle episode. 

Go to

News and Notices

MORNING ROSARY During Advent, you are invited to join in the praying of the rosary immediately following the 8:00am Mass on weekdays. Let us pray!


EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Friday morning, following the 8:00am Mass, we will have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, continuing until 9:30am, with the Rosary at 8:30am. All are invited to join in this time of prayer in the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.


CARE FOR CREATION TIP This week, let us respect the Earth. All living beings are interdependent and every life has value.

WELCOME BACK Would you yourself–or someone you know–like to take another look at the Catholic Church? If, for one reason or another, you have been away and long for community, or feel hungry for something more, Welcome Back might be just the right place to safely express your concerns. A new in-person six-week series will begin in January. Information, John Simpson, 206-654-4658 or [email protected].


INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Seeking a closer relationship with God? Feeling the need for spiritual community and support? Wanting to make the Catholic faith your own? Wondering how to go about joining the Catholic Church? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) might be for you. Information, John Marquez, 206-654-4640, [email protected].


ADULT CONFIRMATION Are you or is someone you know 17 or older and in need of the sacrament of Confirmation? The sacrament will be celebrated on Thursday, May 11, 2023 at 7:00pm. Classes in preparation for Confirmation begin on Tuesday, February 28. Catholic Baptism and First Communion are required. Information and registration, John Marquez, 206-654-4640 or [email protected].


ADVENT GIVING TREE AND SOCK DRIVE A profound word of thanks to all of you who have supported the Giving Tree and the Sock Drive during this Advent season. Many men, women and children throughout Seattle, King County and Skagit County will be enjoying the Christmas season because of your generosity. As you have blessed them with your gifts, please also bless them in your prayers during this time of year. Thank you!


IN THE CATHEDRAL BOOKSTORE Christmas shopping for a good cause! Stop by the Cathedral Bookstore for a wide variety of good books, history, prayer, scripture, and so much more. The Cathedral Bookstore is staffed entirely by volunteers and all proceeds benefit St. James Cathedral. There are also openings to volunteer either weekdays or weekends. Information, Caroline Okello, [email protected] or 206-382-4500.


HYGIENE ITEMS FOR OUR UNSHELTERED NEIGHBORS The St Vincent de Paul Society is seeking donations of hygiene items for Seattle’s unsheltered neighbors. Donated items will be assembled into individual hygiene kits which will then be distributed in person by SVdP volunteers several days each week to those in need. Hygiene items being sought include: hotel amenity/travel size shampoo/conditioner/lotion; bar soap; hand sanitizer

disposable razors; deodorant; lip balm; dental floss, toothbrush, small tube toothpaste; packet of personal body wipes used for basic hygiene; small packets of Kleenex. The donation collection box is located in the Cathedral Book Store. Donations can be made Monday through Friday 11am-3pm and after each weekend Mass.


TUTORING STUDENT EXPRESSES GRATITUDE One of our students, D.Y., has been tutoring for 26 years! He recently wrote to thank Immigrant Assistance and the larger St. James community for the “years of hard work, care and help.” He has had two tutors since 1996 who have been “patiently and meticulously teaching and tutoring [him] English and computer knowledge.” He also said, “They never stop helping me learn and keep our heart to heart. So they are my good friends.” He can read and write without a dictionary now, thanks to all the tutoring he has received. We are all lifelong learners, and language learning is certainly a lifelong endeavor. Some tutoring pairs become lifelong friends as well. D.Y. has gotten a winter jacket through the Giving Tree and is very grateful for this “New Year’s gift to wear and warm my heart.” We appreciate all the tutors past and present who have made a difference in the lives of immigrants like D.Y. We are always looking for more tutors to join our ESL and Citizenship tutor team. Information, Sayuko Setvik, [email protected] or 206-382-4511.


Poem of the Month

St Therese of Lisieux, Unpetalled Rose

Lisa Matchette reads St. Therese of Lisieux's poem "An Unpetalled Rose" and Corinna Laughlin offers commentary

Click here for a complete index of poems and videos since March 2020

Last Sunday's bulletin
St. James Cathedral
804 Ninth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98104
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